深圳大学 材料学院, 深圳市特种功能材料重点实验室, 广东省功能材料界面工程研究中心, 广东 深圳 518055
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[ "吕有明(1963-),男,吉林农安县人,博士,教授,2000年于日本长冈技术科学大学获得博士学位,主要从事宽禁带半导体材料及应用的研究。E⁃mail: ymlu@szu.edu.cn" ]
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提高了4.4倍,光暗电流比提高了6.8倍,在25 V电压下响应度提高了9倍,达到了0.15 A/W。在此基础上通过lift⁃off光刻工艺制备了Au、Ti、Ti/Au和Ag四种不同金属的叉指电极,对比了不同金属电极制备的金刚石紫外探测器件的性能差异。其中Ag电极由于存在势垒隧穿效应引起的增益,在四种电极中性能表现最佳,在25 V偏压下其
高达0.21 μA,响应度提升到0.78 A/W,性能与已有报道的器件性能相当。与普通Au电极制备的器件相比,其光电流提高了5.2倍,光暗电流比提升了7倍,响应度提高了5.2倍。
A metal-semiconductor-metal(MSM) structure solar blind UV detector was constructed by preparing interdigital Au electrode on polycrystalline diamond films grown by DC plasma jet chemical vapor deposition (DC-PJCVD). The effects of different photolithography processes on the performance of the diamond detector were studied, and the results show that the performance of the device prepared by lift-off photolithography is significantly better than that prepared by wet procedure photolithography. The photocurrent of the device is increased by 4.4 times, the light-dark current ratio is increased by 6.8 times, and the responsivity is increased by 9 times to 0.15 A/W at 25 V. On this basis, the interdigitated electrodes of Au, Ti, Ti/Au and Ag were prepared by lift-off photolithography. The performance differences of diamond UV detectors prepared by different metal electrodes were compared. The Ag electrode has the best performance among the four electrodes due to the gain caused by the barrier tunneling effect. At 25 V bias, the light current is 0.21 μA, and responsivity increases to 0.78 A/W. Compared with common Au electrode, the photocurrent, light-dark current ratio and responsivity are increased by 5.2 times, 7 times and 5.2 times respectively.
diamond filmslift-off photolithographyAg electrodesolar blind ultraviolet detector
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