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SBS Fast Light Based on Double Brillouin Gain Lines in Optical Fibers
Luminescence Applications and Interdisciplinary Fields | 更新时间:2020-09-21
    • SBS Fast Light Based on Double Brillouin Gain Lines in Optical Fibers

    • Chinese Journal of Luminescence   Vol. 41, Issue 5, Pages: 617-623(2020)
    • DOI:10.3788/fgxb20204105.0617    

      CLC: TN929.11
    • Published:2020-5

      Received:11 February 2020

      Accepted:2 March 2020

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  • Wen-hao GUO, Shang-lin HOU, Jing-li LEI, et al. SBS Fast Light Based on Double Brillouin Gain Lines in Optical Fibers. [J]. Chinese Journal of Luminescence 41(5):617-623(2020) DOI: 10.3788/fgxb20204105.0617.








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