1.长春理工大学 材料科学与工程学院, 吉林 长春 130022
2.光电功能材料教育部工程研究中心, 吉林 长春 130022
Published:05 October 2023,
Received:21 July 2023,
Revised:07 August 2023,
DUAN YUHAN, JIANG DAYONG, ZHAO MAN. Responsivity Characteristics of ZnO Schottky Ultraviolet Photodetectors with High Gain. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2023, 44(10): 1816-1823.
DUAN YUHAN, JIANG DAYONG, ZHAO MAN. Responsivity Characteristics of ZnO Schottky Ultraviolet Photodetectors with High Gain. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2023, 44(10): 1816-1823. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20230169.
衬底上制备了ZnO薄膜,在此基础上获得了具有高增益的金属⁃半导体⁃金属(MSM)结构的ZnO紫外光电探测器。10 V偏压下,探测器的响应度和外量子效率分别为4.90 A/W和1668%。这是由于光照情况下,半导体与金属界面处的空穴俘获产生高增益所导致的。此外,进一步研究了增益效应、外加偏压和耗尽层宽度对ZnO紫外光电探测器响应度的调控规律与影响机制,为高性能紫外光电探测器的研制与性能调控提供了重要的参考依据。
The wide bandgap semiconductor ZnO ultraviolet (UV) photodetector has many advantages, such as high stability, low cost, and has important application prospects in fields such as national defense, medical care, and environmental monitoring. In this work, ZnO thin films were fabricated on SiO
substrate using radio frequency magnetron sputtering. Subsequently, a ZnO UV photodetector with a high-gain metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) structure was achieved. At a bias voltage of 10 V, the detector exhibited a responsivity of 4.90 A/W and an external quantum efficiency of 1668%. This high gain was attributed to the hole trapping at the semiconductor-metal interface under illumination. Furthermore, the modulation rules and influence mechanisms of gain effect, applied bias voltage, and depletion layer width on the responsivity of ZnO UV photodetector were thoroughly investigated. This research provides an important reference for the development and performance control of high-performance UV photodetectors.
ZnOultraviolet photodetectorresponsivitygain effectdepletion layer
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