1.南京邮电大学 集成电路科学与工程学院, 氧化镓半导体创新中心, 江苏 南京 210023
2.南京邮电大学 射频集成与微组装技术国家地方联合工程实验室, 江苏 南京 210023
Published:05 May 2023,
Received:19 December 2022,
Revised:03 January 2023,
HU Ji,LIU Zeng,TANG Weihua.Comprehensive Investigation of Pt/β-Ga2O3 Deep-UV Schottky Photodiode Highlighting Effective Carriers Injection and Self-powered Operation[J].Chinese Journal of Luminescence,2023,44(05):881-888.
胡继,刘增,唐为华.Pt/β⁃Ga2O3深紫外肖特基光电二极管的界面载流子注入和自驱动特性[J].发光学报,2023,44(05):881-888. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20220420.
HU Ji,LIU Zeng,TANG Weihua.Comprehensive Investigation of Pt/β-Ga2O3 Deep-UV Schottky Photodiode Highlighting Effective Carriers Injection and Self-powered Operation[J].Chinese Journal of Luminescence,2023,44(05):881-888. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20220420.
肖特基光电二极管具有良好的深紫外探测水平。在-5 V偏压下,响应度和外量子效率分别为3.4 A/W和1.66×10
肖特基光电二极管展现出较快的响应速度,响应度为2.69 mA/W。此外,探测器在-100 V和+100 V的高压下仍然能够稳定运行,说明该探测器具有较好的耐高压稳定性。
In this paper, Ga
thin film was grown on
-plane sapphire substrate by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), and then asymmetric electrodes were fabricated on the surface of Ga
thin film by photolithography, lift-off, and electron beam evaporation. Pt/Au was used as the Schottky electrode, and Ti/Al/Ni/Au was used as the Ohmic electrode. In order to achieve good Ohmic contact and improve the injection efficiency of interface carriers, the corresponding annealing treatment is carried out. The relevant results show that the Pt/β-Ga
Schottky photodiode has a good level of deep ultraviolet detection. At -5 V bias, the responsivity and external quantum efficiency was 3.4 A/W and 1.66×10
%, respectively. The detectivity was up to 10
Jones, indicating that it has excellent weak signal detection capability. At the same time, the responsivity and external quantum efficiency decrease with the increase of light intensity, which is due to the higher concentration of photogenerated carriers which improves the recombination probability of electron-hole pairs. In self-powered mode, the Pt/β-Ga
Schottky photodiode exhibited a fast responsivity of 2.69 mA/W. In addition, the detector can still operate stably under high voltage of -100 V and +100 V, indicating that the detector has good stability against high voltage operation.
Ga2O3Schottky photodiodeUV detectionself-driven
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