1.重庆邮电大学 光电工程学院, 重庆 400065
2.中国科学技术大学 物理学院, 安徽 合肥 230026
Published:05 September 2022,
Received:17 June 2022,
Revised:05 July 2022,
LOU BI-BO, YIN MIN. Luminescence Mechanism of Bi3+ Doped Materials: First Principles Studies. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2022, 43(9): 1446-1458.
LOU BI-BO, YIN MIN. Luminescence Mechanism of Bi3+ Doped Materials: First Principles Studies. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2022, 43(9): 1446-1458. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20220245.
The trivalent bismuth ions can produce, depending on the host, luminescence in deep ultraviolet, visible and even near-infrared wavelengths, which are often adopted as activators for various luminescent materials. The theoretical studies on energy level structures and the luminescence mechanism of Bi
dopants can support the design and performance improvement of new luminescent materials. Here, after providing a brief summary of the calculation methods developed and the formula derived to bridge the data from calculations based on density functional theory, we presented the theoretical results from the first-principles calculations on several prototype systems and provided an interpretation of the reported experimental results. The configurational coordinate diagrams with structures and energies from first-principles calculations played a central role in the analyses. Four different types of excited states of Bi
ions are covered: the internal excitation of 6s
electron configuration, the ligand-dopant charge transfer excitation of 6s
plus a localized hole, the metal to metal charge transfer excitation of 6s
plus a bound electron, and the inter-valent Bi
state as an excited state of a Bi
pair. Great efforts have been done to provide detailed quantitative predictions on the spectroscopy of Bi
ions in solids. The results clearly show the role played by theoretical studies in designing and optimizing novel luminescent materials. In addition, the relationship of luminescent properties of Bi
ions with local coordination environment of dopant centers, band gap of hosts and defect levels was briefly discussed.
first-principlesBi3+ ionsphotoluminescenceexcited states
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