太原理工大学 物理与光电工程学院,山西 太原 030024
Published:01 May 2021,
Received:01 January 2021,
Revised:14 January 2021,
HUI-HUI PI, GUO-HUI LI, BO-LIN ZHOU, et al. Progress of High-efficiency Perovskite Quantum Dot Light-emitting Diodes. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2021, 42(5): 650-667.
HUI-HUI PI, GUO-HUI LI, BO-LIN ZHOU, et al. Progress of High-efficiency Perovskite Quantum Dot Light-emitting Diodes. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2021, 42(5): 650-667. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20200406.
Perovskite quantum dots(QD
) are attracting materials for realizing new efficient light-emitting diode(LED) due to their merits such as high photoluminescence quantum yield
adjustable luminous spectrum
narrow spectral width
high defect tolerance and unique quantum confined effect. This paper introduces the latest progress in the research of perovskite-based quantum dot light-emitting diodes in recent years. Firstly
the unique crystal structure of perovskite quantum dot and the working principle of perovskite light-emitting device are introduced. Secondly
the method of synthesizing high photoluminescence quantum yield(PLQY) quantum dot and several methods of improving the LED efficiency of perovskite quantum dot are described. Finally
we analyzed the challenges faced by perovskite QD
such as instability
toxicity and the prospects for developing efficient LED for applications in display and lighting. This review is expected to provide helpful insights for promoting the efficiency and safety of QD
quantum dotsperovskite LEDphotoluminescence quantum yieldexternal quantum efficiencycurrent efficiency
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