1.山东大学 微电子学院, 新一代半导体材料研究院, 山东 济南 250100
2.广 东省科学院 半导体研究所, 广东 广州 510650
3.山东浪潮华光光电子股份有限公司, 山东 潍坊 261061
[ "邓建阳(1997-),男,江西抚州人,硕士,2023年于山东大学获得硕士学位,主要从事低维半导体材料光电特性的研究。" ]
[ "贺龙飞(1988-),男,湖南衡阳人,博士,高级工程师,2020年于华南师范大学获得博士学位,主要从事化合物半导体(GaN、AlN、SiC等)领域的MOCVD材料外延、器件设计与封装等研究。 E-mail: helongfei@gdisit.com" ]
[ "冀子武(1962-),男,山东潍坊人,博士,教授,博士生导师,2006年于日本千叶大学获得博士学位,主要从事低维(纳米)化合物半导体材料与器件的光学特性研究(如GaN基、ZnSe基、ZnO、ZnTe等材料或结构)。 E-mail: jiziwu@sdu.edu.cn" ]
DENG Jianyang,HE Longfei,WU Zhibo,et al.Localization Features of Carrier Emission Recombination in Deep-ultraviolet AlGaN-based Multiple Quantum Well Structure[J].Chinese Journal of Luminescence,2023,44(11):1974-1980.
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DENG Jianyang,HE Longfei,WU Zhibo,et al.Localization Features of Carrier Emission Recombination in Deep-ultraviolet AlGaN-based Multiple Quantum Well Structure[J].Chinese Journal of Luminescence,2023,44(11):1974-1980. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20230213.
A deep-ultraviolet Al
N multiple quantum well (MQW) structure was grown on a
-plane sapphire substrate using magnetron sputtering and metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) methods, while the excitation density and temperature dependences of its photoluminescence (PL) spectrum were measured in the wide excitation density (0.1-500 kW/cm
) and temperature (6-300 K) ranges. The excitation density-dependent peak energies and line widths of the PL peak
from the MQWs measured at the low temperature of 6 K show that, within the low excitation density range (≤ 10 kW/cm
), the
line width remains almost constant, while its peak energy remains almost constant first (≤ 0.5 kW/cm
) and then gradually increases with increasing the excitation density, indicating that the excitation density-dependent emission process of the MQWs is dominated first by the combined effect of the scattering effect of high-energy (shallow)-localized carriers and filling effect of low-energy (deep)-localized states, and then by the combined effect of the filling effect of medium-energy (medium-depth)- localized states and Coulomb screening effect of free carriers. However, within the high excitation density range (
10 kW/cm
), both the
peak line width and peak energy increase significantly, indicating that the excitation density-dependent emission process of the MQWs is dominated by the filling effect of high-energy-localized states. On the other hand, the temperature-dependent peak energies and line widths of the
peak measured at the low excitation density of 0.1 kW/cm
show that, within the low temperature range (≤ 140 K), the
line width remains almost constant, while its peak energy monotonically decreases, indicating that the temperature-dependent emission process of the MQWs may be dominated by the combined effect of the relaxation of high-energy-localized carriers and thermal excitation of low-energy-localized carriers; within the high temperature range (
140 K),
peak line width increases significantly, while its peak energy blue shifts significantly relative to Varshni curve, indicating that the temperature-dependent emission process of the MQWs is dominated by the thermal excitation of localized carriers since the relaxation of the localized carriers is gradually suppressed with increasing the temperature. The above analysis results show the strong inhomogeneity in the depths of the localized states and the localized character of the carrier recombination in the AlGaN-based MQWs due to the significant fluctuations of well widths. This conclusion is also supported by the measurement of temperature dependent-integrated PL intensity (Arrhenius plot), because this measurement result has shown that the deep-ultraviolet AlGaN-based MQW structure has two non-radiative recombination channels with different activation energies.
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