1.常州大学材料科学与工程学院 江苏省光电热能量转化材料与应用工程实验室, 江苏 常州 213164
2.湘潭大学 化学学院, 湖南 湘潭 411105
[ "陈俊(1995-),男,安徽合肥人,硕士研究生,2020年于南京信息工程大学获得学士学位,主要从事有机发光器件的研究。 E-mail: 1119838654@qq.com" ]
[ "于俊婷(1987-),女,辽宁辽阳人,博士,副教授,2014年于湘潭大学获得博士学位,主要从事有机光电功能材料的研究。 E-mail: yujuntingtt@163.com" ]
[ "谭华(1984-),男,湖南衡阳人,博士,副教授,2013年于湘潭大学获得博士学位,主要从事有机光电功能材料的研究。 E-mail: tanhua815@126.com" ]
陈俊, 徐颖, 徐超, 等. 辅助配体功能化铱(Ⅲ)配合物近红外电致发光材料的合成及其性能[J]. 发光学报, 2022,43(8):1217-1226.
CHEN JUN, XU YING, XU CHAO, et al. Synthesis and Properties of Near Infrared-emitting Iridium(Ⅲ) Complexes with Auxiliary Ligand Functionalized. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2022, 43(8): 1217-1226.
陈俊, 徐颖, 徐超, 等. 辅助配体功能化铱(Ⅲ)配合物近红外电致发光材料的合成及其性能[J]. 发光学报, 2022,43(8):1217-1226. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20220114.
CHEN JUN, XU YING, XU CHAO, et al. Synthesis and Properties of Near Infrared-emitting Iridium(Ⅲ) Complexes with Auxiliary Ligand Functionalized. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2022, 43(8): 1217-1226. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20220114.
将烷基芴(Fluorene,FL)基团通过柔性烷基链连接到吡啶甲酸(Picolinic acid,pic)上,合成了辅助配体功能化的供体‐受体(D‐A)型铱配合物近红外电致发光材料(CH
OTPA‐BTz结构,配合物具有强分子内电荷转移跃迁(Charge transfer transition,ICT)吸收峰和720 nm左右的光致发光峰。与此同时,(CH
Ir(pic‐FL)分子中柔性烷基链和高荧光量子效率芴基团的引入,可以提高材料光致发光效率,改善材料的溶解性能和器件成膜性能,提高电致发光效率。以配合物为发光掺杂剂制备的有机电致发光器件其最大发射峰位于722 nm左右的近红外区域,最大外量子效率(EQE
为0.41%@723 nm)。
In this paper, a novel auxiliary ligand functionalized donor-acceptor(D-A) type near infrared-emitting iridium(Ⅲ) complex (CH
Ir(pic-FL) was synthesized by connecting alkylfluorene(FL) to picolinic acid(pic). Through the study of UV-Vis absorption and photoluminescence spectrum, the complex has a strong intramolecular charge transfer transition (ICT) absorption peak and a photoluminescence peak about 720 nm due to the strong D-A effect of the CH
OTPA-BTz-Iq ligand. Furthermore, the photoluminescence and electroluminescent properties of (CH
Ir(pic-FL) were improved by introducing alkyl chains and FL group with high fluorescence quantum efficiency, good solubility and film forming performance. In (CH
Ir‐(pic-FL)-based OLEDs, a maximum external quantum efficiency (EQE
) of 0.92% at 722 nm was obtained, which is much superior than that of the (CH
Irpic-based OLEDs (0.41% at 723 nm).
iridium(Ⅲ) complexfluorenedonor-acceptornear infraredelectroluminescence
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