上海理工大学 材料与化学学院, 上海 200093
[ "魏瑶琪(1996-),女,江西上饶人,硕士研究生,2019年于东华理工大学获得学士学位,主要从事光电探测器方向的研究。" ]
[ "韩三灿(1989-),女,山东济宁人,博士,讲师,2016 年于复旦大学获得博士学位,主要从事光电半导体材料及器件的研究。Email: :mickey3can@163.com" ]
魏瑶琪, 全家乐, 赵庆强, 等. 一种基于n-ZnS/p-CuSCN纳米薄膜的高开关比和稳定性紫外光电探测器[J]. 发光学报, 2022,43(6):911-921.
WEI YAO-QI, QUAN JIA-LE, ZHAO QING-QIANG, et al. A Stable UV Photodetector Based on n-ZnS/p-CuSCN Nanofilm with High On/Off Ratio. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2022, 43(6): 911-921.
魏瑶琪, 全家乐, 赵庆强, 等. 一种基于n-ZnS/p-CuSCN纳米薄膜的高开关比和稳定性紫外光电探测器[J]. 发光学报, 2022,43(6):911-921. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20220069.
WEI YAO-QI, QUAN JIA-LE, ZHAO QING-QIANG, et al. A Stable UV Photodetector Based on n-ZnS/p-CuSCN Nanofilm with High On/Off Ratio. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2022, 43(6): 911-921. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20220069.
通过原位生长法制备了一种CuSCN纳米薄膜紫外光电探测器,在-1 V 偏压下,入射光为350 nm时, CuSCN紫外光电探测器的开关比~94,响应/恢复时间~1.41 s/1.44 s。但这种器件仍不能称之为一种高性能的光电探测器。为进一步提高CuSCN纳米薄膜的光电性能,我们制备了一种基于 n-ZnS/p-CuSCN 复合薄膜的紫外光电探测器,并对制备的样品进行了形貌、成分和性能分析。结果显示,在-1 V 偏压下,入射波长为350 nm时, ZnS/CuSCN紫外光电探测器表现出比CuSCN紫外光电探测器更高的光电流和更低的暗电流,分别为1.22×10
A。基于ZnS/CuSCN 纳米薄膜的紫外光电探测器开关比-2 542,响应/恢复时间为0.47 s/0.48 s,在350 nm波长下具备最佳的响应度和探测率,分别为5.17 mA/W和1.32 × 10
Herein, We fabricated a CuSCN nanofilm ultraviolet(UV) photodetector(PD) using an
in situ
growth method. When the bias is -1 V and the incident light is 350 nm, the on/off ratio of the CuSCN PD is ~94, and the rise/decay time is ~1.41 s/1.44 s. However, such a device still cannot be called a high-performance photodetector. To improve the optoelectronic properties of CuSCN nanofilm further, we fabricated a UV photodetector based on n-ZnS/p-CuSCN composite nanofilm and analyzed its morphology, composition, and properties. The photocurrent and dark current of the ZnS/CuSCN UV photodetectors are 1.22×10
A and 4.8×10
A, respectively(at -1 V, 350 nm). The ZnS/CuSCN nanofilms' on/off ratio of ~2 542 and rise/decay time is 0.47 s/0.48 s. Besides, the n-ZnS/p-CuSCN nanofilm UV PDs have the best responsivity and detectivity at 350 nm with 5.17 mA/W and 1.32 × 10
Jones, respectively. In addition, the n-ZnS/p-CuSCN composite film is stable at room temperature, which indicates its great potential as a high-performance UV photodetector.
photodetectorp-n junctionZnS/CuSCNon/off ratio
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