1. 东华理工大学 江西省新能源工艺及装备工程技术中心,江西 南昌,330013
2. 东华理工大学 教育部核技术应用工程研究中心, 江西 南昌 330013
王智栋, 刘云, 彭新村等. 氧等离子体处理对GaAs表面单层自组装SiO<sub>2</sub>纳米球薄膜的影响[J]. 发光学报, 2020,41(3): 253-258
WANG Zhi-dong, LIU Yun, PENG Xin-cun etc. Effect of Oxygen Plasma Treatment on Monolayer Self-assembled SiO<sub>2</sub> Nanosphere Thin Films on GaAs Surface[J]. Chinese Journal of Luminescence, 2020,41(3): 253-258
王智栋, 刘云, 彭新村等. 氧等离子体处理对GaAs表面单层自组装SiO<sub>2</sub>纳米球薄膜的影响[J]. 发光学报, 2020,41(3): 253-258 DOI: 10.3788/fgxb20204103.0253.
WANG Zhi-dong, LIU Yun, PENG Xin-cun etc. Effect of Oxygen Plasma Treatment on Monolayer Self-assembled SiO<sub>2</sub> Nanosphere Thin Films on GaAs Surface[J]. Chinese Journal of Luminescence, 2020,41(3): 253-258 DOI: 10.3788/fgxb20204103.0253.
纳米球,重点研究了GaAs表面氧等离子体亲水处理工艺对纳米球排列特性的影响,获得最佳工艺条件为功率配比100 W+80 W、腔室压力4 Pa、氧气流量20 mL/min、处理时间1 200 s,并最终得到排列紧密的大面积单层纳米球薄膜。以单层纳米球为掩模,采用感应耦合等离子体刻蚀技术在GaAs表面制备了纳米柱阵列并测试了其表面光反射谱。测试结果表明,GaAs纳米柱阵列在特定波段的反射率降低至5%,远低于表面无纳米结构的薄膜材料表面高达40%的光反射。分析表明纳米柱可以激发米氏散射共振效应,从而有效降低反射率并提升光吸收。
Two-dimensional nano-array structures have been widely used in many optoelectronic devices due to their excellent optical performances. In this work
nano-pillar arrays were fabricated on GaAs substrate by self-assembled monolayer SiO
nanospheres etching. Monolayer SiO
nanospheres were self-assembled on GaAs substrate by rotary coating. The order of the nanosphere distribution was improved by improving the oxygen plasma hydrophilic treatment process of GaAs surface
and a large area of tightly arranged monolayer nanosphere was obtained under the power ratio of 100 W+80 W
the chamber pressure of 4 Pa
the oxygen flow rate of 20 mL/min and the etching time of 1 200 s. Taken this monolayer nanosphere as the etching mask
highly ordered GaAs nano-pillar array was then fabricated by inductively coupled plasma etching. The reflectivity of the GaAs nano-pillar array structure was found to be about 5% in a specific band by spectral analysis
which shows that light absorption can be enhanced effectively and can further match the requirements of actual optoelectronic devices.
SiO2 nanospheresoxygen plasmaICP etch
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