南通大学 信息科学技术学院, 江苏 南通 226019
ZHU You-hua, E-mail:ntyouhua@ntu.edu.cn
朱友华, 刘轩, 王美玉, 等. 4-inch蓝宝石图形衬底上GaN基白光LED制备及表征[J]. 发光学报, 2020,41(7):858-862.
YOU-HUA ZHU, XUAN LIU, MEI-YU WANG, et al. Fabrication and Characterization of GaN-based White LED on 4-inch Patterned Sapphire Substrate. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2020, 41(7): 858-862.
朱友华, 刘轩, 王美玉, 等. 4-inch蓝宝石图形衬底上GaN基白光LED制备及表征[J]. 发光学报, 2020,41(7):858-862. DOI: 10.37188/fgxb20204107.0858.
YOU-HUA ZHU, XUAN LIU, MEI-YU WANG, et al. Fabrication and Characterization of GaN-based White LED on 4-inch Patterned Sapphire Substrate. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2020, 41(7): 858-862. DOI: 10.37188/fgxb20204107.0858.
)结合,封装成白光LED器件。简要介绍了外延生长和芯片工艺及封装流程,并对材料特性及器件性能进行了表征。外延片表面形貌良好,蓝光外延片荧光光谱(PL)显示峰值波长为442 nm。对封装后白光芯片进行电学特性测试,得出其开启与限流电压分别为2.7 V与3.6 V。此外,电致发光光谱(EL)含有两个主要的发光峰,分别是440 nm的蓝光峰以及540 nm的黄绿光峰,而随着注入电流的增加,蓝光峰位先蓝移后红移,黄绿光峰位先红移后蓝移再红移。本文中相关的芯片制备及表征技术将对固态照明研究起到一定的促进作用。
A blue light emitting diode(LED) chip has been fabricated on a 4-inch patterned sapphire substrate with an InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well structure. It has also been combined with a yttrium aluminum garnet yellow phosphor(YAG:Ce
) to be packaged into a white LED device. In this study
its epitaxial growth
chip process and packaging process have been briefly described. Some material property and device performance have been characterized. The surface of the epitaxial wafer has a good morphology. The photoluminescence(PL) spectrum of the blue epitaxial wafer shows a peak wavelength of 442 nm. Basing on the electrical characteristics of the packaged white light chip
the threshold and current-limit voltages are 2.7 V and 3.6 V
respectively. In addition
the electroluminescence(EL) spectra contain two main peaks with one at 440 nm of blue light and the other one at 540 nm of yellow-green light. With the increase of the injection current
the blue peak varies from blue-shift to red-shift
and the yellow-green varies from red-shift to blue-shift and then red-shift. It is believed that the related chip fabrication and characterization technology would play a certain role in the research for promoting on solid-state lighting field.
GaNYAG phosphorwhite LEDcharacterization and performance
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