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Characteristics of 850 nm Liquid Crystal Tunable VCSEL with Polarization Stability and Wide Tuning Range
Device Fabrication and Physics | 更新时间:2020-10-12
    • Characteristics of 850 nm Liquid Crystal Tunable VCSEL with Polarization Stability and Wide Tuning Range

    • Chinese Journal of Luminescence   Vol. 41, Issue 10, Pages: 1287-1293(2020)
    • DOI:10.37188/CJL.20200175    

      CLC: TN302
    • Published:2020-10

      Received:24 June 2020

      Accepted:25 July 2020

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  • Xiao-long WANG, Yong-gang ZOU, Yong-qin HAO, et al. Characteristics of 850 nm Liquid Crystal Tunable VCSEL with Polarization Stability and Wide Tuning Range. [J]. Chinese Journal of Luminescence 41(10):1287-1293(2020) DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20200175.








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Department of Applied Chemistry, College of Chemical Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University
State Key Laboratory of High Power Semiconductor Lasers, School of Physics, Changchun University of Science and Technology
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