华中科技大学 光学与电子信息学院, 湖北 武汉 430074
[ "陈静(1997-), 女, 重庆人, 硕士研究生, 2015年于重庆邮电大学获得学士学位, 主要从事光纤荧光传感的研究。E-mail:m201972458@hust.edu.cn" ]
[ "夏历(1976-), 男, 湖北武汉人, 博士, 教授, 博士研究生导师, 2004年于清华大学获得博士学位, 主要从事光纤通信与光纤传感的研究。E-mail:xiali@hust.edu.cn" ]
陈静, 杨曌, 黄宇豪, 等. 基于荧光猝灭效应的光纤传感器研究进展[J]. 发光学报, 2020,41(10):1269-1278.
JING CHEN, ZHAO YANG, YU-HAO HUANG, et al. Research Progress of Optical Fiber Sensors Based on Fluorescence Quenching Effect. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2020, 41(10): 1269-1278.
陈静, 杨曌, 黄宇豪, 等. 基于荧光猝灭效应的光纤传感器研究进展[J]. 发光学报, 2020,41(10):1269-1278. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20200206.
JING CHEN, ZHAO YANG, YU-HAO HUANG, et al. Research Progress of Optical Fiber Sensors Based on Fluorescence Quenching Effect. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2020, 41(10): 1269-1278. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20200206.
Optical fiber fluorescence sensor combines the advantages of high sensitivity
strong discrimination of the fluorescence detection and small size
strong anti-interference ability of fiber. Because some of the fluorescent detection substances have a quenching effect on the fluorescence intensity
the optical fiber fluorescence sensor based on the quenching effect has important research significance. In this paper
the research progress of the optical fiber sensor based on the fluorescence quenching effect is reviewed. The detection mechanism of the fluorescence quenching effect is briefly described. The combination mechanism of the optical fiber and the fluorescence detection is classified and summarized according to the structure of the sensing optical fiber. On this basis
the applications of the optical fiber fluorescent sensor based on the fluorescence quenching effect in the fields of heavy metal ion detection
explosive detection and other fields are described. The interaction between the quencher and fluorescent material
and the performance index of the sensor are analyzed. Finally
the development direction of the optical fiber sensors based on fluorescence quenching effect is prospected.
spectral detectionoptical fiber sensingluminescence mechanismfluorescence quenching
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