长春理工大学 吉林省固体激光技术与应用重点实验室,吉林 长春,130022
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WU CHUN-TING, CHANG AO-LEI, WEN YA, et al. Research Progress of Nd3+-doped Dual-wavelength All-solid-state Laser. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2020, 41(4): 414-428. DOI: 10.3788/fgxb20204104.0414.
All-solid-state dual-wavelength laser is a single laser emitting two bands of laser at the same time. This type of laser has the characteristics of compact structure
long working time
high energy output
and easy operation. The solid-state dual-wavelength lasers have been widely used in the detection of carbon monoxide in blood
the treatment of capillary dilatation
the interference of rainbow holography
the generation of green light by frequency double
sum frequency mixing for yellow laser and providing pumping source for high-power terahertz radiation. In this paper
several kinds of single-doped Nd
laser crystals are compared
the mechanism and method of generating multi-wavelength lasers are analyzed
the research status of single-doped Nd
dual-wavelength solid-state lasers is summarized
and the development and application of such lasers is prospected.
solid-state laserNd-dopeddual-wavelength
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