1.中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所 发光学及应用国家重点实验室, 吉林 长春 130033
2.吉光半导体科技有限公司, 吉林 长春 130022
3.东莞方孺光电科技有限公司, 广东 东莞 523822
4.陆军装备部驻北京地区军事代表局, 北京 100166
[ "张继业(1990-),男,辽宁丹东人,博士,特别研究助理,2021年于中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所获得博士学位,主要从事先进激光技术及应用的研究。E-mail: zhangjiye@ciomp. ac. cn" ]
[ "彭航宇(1983-),男,浙江黄岩人,博士,研究员,2011年于中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所获得博士学位,主要从事先进激光技术及应用的研究。E-mail: penghy@ciomp. ac. cn" ]
ZHANG Jiye,WANG Jingbo,ZHANG Jun,et al.High Power Blue Diode Laser Source for Material Processing[J].Chinese Journal of Luminescence,2023,44(07):1308-1314.
张继业,王靖博,张俊等.高功率蓝光半导体激光加工光源[J].发光学报,2023,44(07):1308-1314. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20230144.
ZHANG Jiye,WANG Jingbo,ZHANG Jun,et al.High Power Blue Diode Laser Source for Material Processing[J].Chinese Journal of Luminescence,2023,44(07):1308-1314. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20230144.
针对目前铜、金等金属材料加工的实际应用需求,开展了连续输出功率500 W的光纤耦合输出蓝光半导体激光加工光源研究。基于平面窗口TO封装的蓝光半导体激光单管器件,设计采用长后工作距的快轴准直镜和慢轴准直镜分别准直,获得低发散角、高光束质量的单元准直光束;结合二维空间合束、偏振合束和光纤耦合,将144个蓝光单管器件耦合进200 μm/NA 0.22光纤,通过ZEMAX软件对半导体激光光路进行光线追踪模拟;并从实验上实现,3 A电流驱动下,200 μm/NA 0.22光纤输出连续功率523 W,电光转换效率29 %。该激光光源具有直接加工铜、金等材料的能力。
Aiming at the current requirement for processing of pure copper, pure gold and other metal materials, a fiber coupled blue diode laser source with continuous output power up to 500 W was fabricated. According to the ray paths simulation of diode laser by ZEMAX, the experiment of high-power blue diode laser source for material processing was carried out. In the experiment, a TO packaged blue laser diode single emitter was adopted as the emitting unit. Due to the TO packaged structure with flat output window mirror, it was designed for fast and slow axis collimator with longer back working distance to obtain collimating beam with low divergence angle and high beam quality. The beam of 144 single-tube blue diode laser devices were combined by space and polarization combination to couple into a 200 μm/NA 0.2 fiber. Under the cooling with industrial water, the output power of 523 W and the wall-plug efficiency of 29% for blue diode laser source were demonstrated from the 200 μm/NA 0.2 fiber at the 3 A drive current. The laser light source had the potential application in non-ferrous metal processing.
blue diode laserfiber-coupledlaser beam combinationlaser processing source
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