1.中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所 发光学及应用国家重点实验室, 吉林 长春 130033
2.中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
3.长春奥普光电技术股份有限公司, 吉林 长春 130033
[ "孟媛(1996-),女,吉林省吉林市人,硕士研究生,2019年于吉林师范大学获得学士学位,主要从事胶体量子点发光和激光性能的研究。mengyuan20@mails.ucas.ac.cn " ]
[ "郭晓阳(1982-),女,吉林长春人,博士,副研究员,博士生导师,2010年于中国科学院长春应用化学研究所获得博士学位,主要从事新型光电子材料与器件的研究。guoxy@ciomp.ac.cn" ]
[ "刘星元(1970-),男,黑龙江伊春人,博士,研究员,1999年于中国科学院长春物理研究所获得博士学位,主要从事微腔光电子技术方面的研究。liuxy@ciomp.ac.cn " ]
孟媛, 张艳, 郭晓阳, 等. 一维光子晶体带边态模式调控的胶体量子点发光性能[J]. 发光学报, 2023,44(9):1546-1551.
MENG YUAN, ZHANG YAN, GUO XIAOYANG, et al. Luminescence Performance of Colloidal Quantum Dots Regulated by Band Edge Mode in One-dimensional Photonic Crystals. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2023, 44(9): 1546-1551.
孟媛, 张艳, 郭晓阳, 等. 一维光子晶体带边态模式调控的胶体量子点发光性能[J]. 发光学报, 2023,44(9):1546-1551. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20230124.
MENG YUAN, ZHANG YAN, GUO XIAOYANG, et al. Luminescence Performance of Colloidal Quantum Dots Regulated by Band Edge Mode in One-dimensional Photonic Crystals. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2023, 44(9): 1546-1551. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20230124.
One-dimensional photonic crystals (1DPCs) are artificially constructed periodic optical dielectric structures. 1DPCs can modulate the luminescent material mainly by defect mode modulation and band-edge mode modulation. 1DPC band-edge mode with a large density of photonic states can effectively modulate the luminescent properties of the luminescent material. In this paper, the fluorescence emission of colloidal quantum dot (CQD) materials coated on the surface of 1DPC is studied. By using different QD materials, different surface film thicknesses, and different angles for fluorescence detection, luminescence characteristics of the samples have been investigated. The results show that 1DPC band edge mode can effectively regulate the luminescence characteristics of CQD films located in the surface layer, effectively enhance the fluorescence emission intensity and narrow the emission linewidth. CQD materials controlled by 1DPC band edge mode have faster fluorescence radiation transition rate. The influence of 1DPC on the luminescent properties of CQD materials is helpful to optimize the design of the device structure, so as to greatly improve the performance of the luminescent devices.
band edge modecolloidal quantum dotsphotoluminescenceangular distributionone-dimensional photonic crystal
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