北京理工大学 光电学院, 北京 100081
[ "王珉(1998-),男,上海人,硕士研究生,2020年于北京理工大学获得学士学位,主要从事模板法制备无铅钙钛矿材料的研究。 E-mail: 3120200574@bit.edu.cn" ]
[ "陈冰昆(1983-),男,河北邯郸人,博士,副教授,博士生导师,2013年于北京理工大学获得博士学位,主要从事绿色环保型纳米光电材料与器件的 研究。 E-mail: chenbk@bit.edu.cn" ]
王珉, 吴亚锋, 郑堃, 等. Cs3Cu2I5制备与光电应用研究进展[J]. 发光学报, 2023,44(5):801-818.
WANG MIN, WU YAFENG, ZHENG KUN, et al. Synthesis and Optoelectronic Applications of Cs3Cu2I5. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2023, 44(5): 801-818.
王珉, 吴亚锋, 郑堃, 等. Cs3Cu2I5制备与光电应用研究进展[J]. 发光学报, 2023,44(5):801-818. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20220395.
WANG MIN, WU YAFENG, ZHENG KUN, et al. Synthesis and Optoelectronic Applications of Cs3Cu2I5. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2023, 44(5): 801-818. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20220395.
Lead halide perovskites have a wide range of application prospects in optoelectronic devices, including solar cells, light-emitting diodes(LEDs), photodetectors, lasers,
. However, the poor material stability and the inherent toxicity of lead have hindered its further commercialization. Therefore, all-inorganic lead-free halide perovskites and their derivatives have become one of the research hotspots. Cs
is a new all-inorganic lead-free halide perovskite derivative, which allows the possibility to be applied in a variety of fields due to its nontoxicity, excellent optical properties and good stability under ambient conditions. This article introduces the various synthesis methods, physical properties and the applications in LEDs, ultraviolet photodetectors, scintillators and other fields of Cs
. In addition, the challenges and prospects of Cs
in optoelectronic fields are presented.
perovskiteCs3Cu2I5self-trapped excitionslight⁃emitting diode(LED)photodetector
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