大连工业大学 信息科学与工程学院, 辽宁 大连 116034
[ "赵昕(1968-),男,辽宁锦州人,硕士,教授,1997年于吉林大学获得硕士学位,主要从事光电子材料与器件的 研究。E-mail: deshengli80@163.com" ]
[ "李德胜(1980-),男,山东临沂人,博士,副教授,2009年于中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所获得博士学位,主要从事光电子材料与器件的研究。E-mail:xzhao86@163.com" ]
赵昕, 刘哲, 林海, 等. 基于上转换发光的Y7O6F9∶Er,Yb/PAN复合纤维温度传感特性[J]. 发光学报, 2023,44(2):279-288.
ZHAO XIN, LIU ZHE, LIN HAI, et al. Temperature Sensing Characteristics of Y7O6F9∶Er,Yb/PAN Composite Fibers Based on Up-conversion Luminescence. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2023, 44(2): 279-288.
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ZHAO XIN, LIU ZHE, LIN HAI, et al. Temperature Sensing Characteristics of Y7O6F9∶Er,Yb/PAN Composite Fibers Based on Up-conversion Luminescence. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2023, 44(2): 279-288. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20220350.
∶Er,Yb/PAN纤维。977 nm激光激发下,晶体颗粒和复合纤维在303~433 K温度范围内均展示出高效的上转换发光和良好的温度传感特性,且复合纤维在测温范围内表现出优于晶体颗粒的温度灵敏度和分辨率。在303 K温度下有最大绝对灵敏度值1.143%·K
,在433 K温度下有最小的分辨率0.15 K。因此,具有柔韧性的复合纤维既有良好温度传感特性又可任意调节形态,适应复杂多样的应用环境,是可应用于实现智能穿戴领域温度传感性能的有效候选材料。
∶Er,Yb orthorhombic crystals were synthesized by hydrothermal method and high-temperature calcination, which achieves efficient up-conversion luminescence and has satisfactory polymer affinity. Y
∶Er, Yb/PAN composite fibers with high temperature sensing properties, and commendable flexibility were prepared by high voltage electrospinning technology. Under the excitation of 977 nm laser, the composite fibers show efficient up-conversion luminescence and better temperature sensing performance than crystals in the temperature range of 303 K to 433 K. Within the temperature range of measurement, the maximum value of
of Y
∶Er,Yb crystals is 0.720%·K
and 1.142%·K
, and the minimum temperature resolution was 0.37 K. The maximum value of
of Y
∶Er,Yb/PAN composite fibers is 0.811%·K
and 1.143%·K
, and the minimum temperature resolution was 0.15 K. The sensitivities and temperature resolution of composite fibers with flexibility are higher than those of crystals. Therefore, the flexible Y
∶Er,Yb/PAN composite fibers not only have admirable temperature sensing characteristics but also can adapt to complex and diverse application environments, which is a viable candidate material for realizing temperature sensing performance in the field of intelligent wearable.
Y7O6F9∶Er,Yb/PAN composite fibershigh voltage electrospinningup-conversion luminescencetemperature sensing
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