1.淮阴工学院 数理学院, 江苏 淮安 223003
2.东南大学 生物科学与医学工程学院, 江苏 南京 210096
[ "林毅(1986-),男,江苏淮安人,博士,讲师,2015年于东南大学获得博士学位,主要从事半导体光电材料与器件方面的研究。" ]
[ "徐春祥(1965-),男,江苏兴化人,博士,教授,博士生导师,1997年于中国科学院长春物理研究所获得博士学位,主要从事纳米光电功能材料与器件及其生物医学的功能应用的研究。" ]
林毅, 周雷, 范宝路, 等. 高稳定性ZnO∶Ga/InGaN异质结微型绿光发光二极管[J]. 发光学报, 2022,43(12):1965-1973.
LIN YI, ZHOU LEI, FAN BAO-LU, et al. High Stable Micro Green Light-emitting Diodes Based on ZnO∶Ga/InGaN Heterojunction. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2022, 43(12): 1965-1973.
林毅, 周雷, 范宝路, 等. 高稳定性ZnO∶Ga/InGaN异质结微型绿光发光二极管[J]. 发光学报, 2022,43(12):1965-1973. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20220331.
LIN YI, ZHOU LEI, FAN BAO-LU, et al. High Stable Micro Green Light-emitting Diodes Based on ZnO∶Ga/InGaN Heterojunction. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2022, 43(12): 1965-1973. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20220331.
绿光光源可广泛应用于固态照明、可见光通信、电子显示、光遗传学等领域。相比于蓝光LED,高性能低维绿色发光器件的设计与制备受限于绿光效率低(Green gap)和高注入电流下效率下降(Efficiency droop)两个主要问题的困扰。本文采用化学气相沉积方法(CVD)生长镓掺杂的氧化锌微米线(ZnO∶Ga MW),结合p型InGaN衬底制备了n‐ZnO∶Ga MW/p‐InGaN异质结发光二极管。该器件的输出波长为540 nm,半峰宽约为32 nm,在相对较大的注入电流下,器件发光峰位、半峰宽等发光特征参数没有明显的变化,且相对外量子效率(REQE)在较大电流下呈现出相对较小的下降,体现了较高的发光稳定性。此外,利用金纳米薄膜改善了ZnO∶Ga微米线与InGaN衬底间的接触,实现了结区界面的优化,成功提高了发光二极管的发光强度。实验结果表明,采用n‐ZnO∶Ga微米线结合p‐InGaN衬底构筑的异质结可用于制备高稳定性高亮度的微型绿光发光二极管。
Light sources with wavelengths in the green region are very important for a wide gamut of applications, including solid-state lighting, visible light communications, agriculture, optogenetics, and so on. Compared to blue light-emitting diodes(LEDs), the fabrication of high-performance low-dimensional green LED has long been limited by “Green gap” and “Efficiency droop”. In this work, a kind of green LED composed of p-type InGaN layers and a single Ga doped ZnO microwire(ZnO∶Ga MW) was designed. The experiment results indicated that this LED device had a central wavelength located at 540 nm and a linewidth of about 32 nm. Most important of all, increasing the operating current at high level, no noticeable variations in the electroluminescence characteristics and relative external quantum efficiency(REQE) could be observed. Additionally, a cladding of Au nanofilm was introduced on the surface of microwire to optimize the interface quality of n-ZnO∶Ga MW/p-InGaN heterojunction, resulting in the better uniform contact between ZnO∶Ga and InGaN, and the higher output intensity. This work demonstrates that such heterojunction composed of n- ZnO∶Ga and p-InGaN is a promising candidate for fabricating a new generation of high-brightness microscale green LEDs.
green LEDAu nano-filmGa doped ZnO microwireInGaNrelative external quantum efficiency(REQE)
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