1.广东省晶体与激光技术工程研究中心, 广东 广州 510632
2.暨南大学理工学院 光电工程系, 广东 广州 510632
[ "谭慧瑜(1997-),女,广东开平人,硕士研究生,2020年于广东技术师范大学获得学士学位,主要从事激光与光电功能晶体材料的研究。 E-mail: thy@stu2020.jnu.edu.cn" ]
[ "张沛雄(1987-),男,广东潮州人,博士,副研究员,2016年于中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所获得博士学位,主要从事激光与光电功能晶体材料的研究。" ]
谭慧瑜, 张沛雄, 牛晓晨, 等. 可见光激光晶体Sm3+∶CaDyAlO4的光学性能[J]. 发光学报, 2022,43(11):1741-1749.
TAN HUI-YU, ZHANG PEI-XIONG, NIU XIAO-CHEN, et al. Optical Properties of Visible Laser Crystal Sm3+∶CaDyAlO4. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2022, 43(11): 1741-1749.
谭慧瑜, 张沛雄, 牛晓晨, 等. 可见光激光晶体Sm3+∶CaDyAlO4的光学性能[J]. 发光学报, 2022,43(11):1741-1749. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20220164.
TAN HUI-YU, ZHANG PEI-XIONG, NIU XIAO-CHEN, et al. Optical Properties of Visible Laser Crystal Sm3+∶CaDyAlO4. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2022, 43(11): 1741-1749. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20220164.
晶体,并对其可见光光学性能进行研究,利用Judd‑Ofelt理论,得到强度参数、自发辐射概率及荧光分支比等重要的光谱性能参数。该晶体在353 nm处吸收峰最强,半高宽(FWHM)为13 nm,吸收截面为1.11×10
;在353 nm激发下,获得了500~650 nm的超宽带橙黄光发射,Dy
离子的主要发射峰分别位于570 nm和620 nm处,发射截面分别为4.15×10
晶体可能是500~650 nm橙黄色调谐激光器的一种有前景的增益材料。
The Czochralski method was used to successfully grow the Sm
-doped CaDyAlO
crystal, and its optical properties in visible light were investigated. Important spectral performance parameters such as intensity parameters, spontaneous emission probability, and fluorescence branching ratio were obtained using the Judd-Ofelt theory. The crystal has a strong absorption peak at 353 nm, a full width at half maximum(FWHM) of 13 nm, and an absorption cross section of 9.76×10
. When excited at 353 nm, an ultra-broadband orange-yellow emission from 500 nm to 650 nm is obtained, with Dy
ions and Sm
ions. The main emission peaks of Dy
ions and Sm
ions are at 570 nm and 620 nm, respectively, and the emission cross sections are 4.15×10
and 4.03×10
, respectively. The above findings suggest that Sm
crystals could be a promising gain material for orange-yellow tunable lasers from 500 nm to 650 nm.
laser crystalSm3+-dopedJudd-Ofelt theoryorange-yellow emission
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