1.北京信息科技大学 光电测试技术及仪器教育部重点实验室,北京 100192
2.北京信息科技大学 光纤传感与系统北京实验室,北京 100192
[ "罗章(1996-),男,贵州遵义人,硕士研究生,2019年于北京联合大学获得学士学位,主要从事光纤传感与光纤激光器的研究。E-mail: kentlz1996@163.com" ]
[ "董明利(1965-),女,辽宁海城人,博士,教授,博士研究生导师,2009年于北京理工大学获得博士学位,主要从事视觉与光电检测、光纤传感与激光器、生物医学检测技术及仪器的研究。E-mail: dongml@bistu.edu.cn" ]
罗章, 何巍, 董明利, 等. 基于啁啾光纤光栅激光器的温度传感特性[J]. 发光学报, 2021,42(12):1928-1935.
ZHANG LUO, WEI HE, MING-LI DONG, et al. Temperature Sensor Based on Chirped Fiber Bragg Grating Laser. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2021, 42(12): 1928-1935.
罗章, 何巍, 董明利, 等. 基于啁啾光纤光栅激光器的温度传感特性[J]. 发光学报, 2021,42(12):1928-1935. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20210304.
ZHANG LUO, WEI HE, MING-LI DONG, et al. Temperature Sensor Based on Chirped Fiber Bragg Grating Laser. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2021, 42(12): 1928-1935. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20210304.
提出并设计了一种环形腔掺铒光纤激光用于温度传感的方法。利用啁啾光纤光栅进行光学滤波,结合未泵浦掺铒光纤作为可饱和吸收体稳频,实现了环形腔掺铒光纤激光器单波长激光输出。通过温度变化实验,实现了单波长激光输出的温度传感测量。泵浦源输出功率为219 mW时,实现了1 555.25 nm单波长激光输出,3 dB线宽为0.06 nm,边摸抑制比为47.05 dB。实验中对1 555.25 nm单波长激光进行稳定性测试,10 min内激光输出功率变化为0.59 dB。利用温度加热平台对啁啾光纤光栅进行升降温实验,升温过程温度灵敏度为12.59 pm/℃,线性度为0.998 6,降温过程温度灵敏度为12.58 pm/℃,线性度为0.998 3。不同温度条件下对激光进行稳定性测试,在10 min监测时间范围内,50 ℃和300 ℃激光输出功率变化分别为0.27 dB和0.09 dB。
An annular cavity erbium-doped fiber laser is put forward and designed
and used in the temperature measurement. Using chirped fiber Bragg grating for optical filtering and unpumped erbium-doped fiber as saturable absorber to stabilize the frequency
the single-wavelength laser output of annular cavity erbium-doped fiber laser is realized. Through the temperature experiment
the single-wavelength laser output is realized for temperature sensing measurement. When the output power of the pump source is 219 mW
the single-wavelength laser output of 1 555.25 nm is realized
3 dB linewidth is 0.06 nm
and the signal-to-noise ratio(SNR) is 47.05 dB. In the experiment
the stability of the single-wavelength laser of 1 555.25 nm is tested
and the output power change is 0.59 dB during 10 min. The temperature sensitivity is 12.59 pm/℃ and the linearity is 0.998 6. The temperature sensitivity of the cooling process is 12.58 pm/℃
and the linearity is 0.998 3. The laser stability was tested at different temperatures. During 10 min
the output powers of the laser at 50 ℃ and 300 ℃ are 0.27 dB and 0.09 dB
fiber laserchirped fiber Bragg gratingsaturable absorberstemperature sensing
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