1.中国科学技术大学 纳米技术与纳米仿生学院,安徽 合肥 230026
2.中国科学院 苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所,江苏 苏州 215123
3.青岛翼晨镭硕科技有限公司,山东 青岛 266000
[ "姚中辉(1994-),男,安徽阜阳人,硕博连读研究生,2017年于太原理工大学获得学士学位,主要从事半导体光电子材料和器件的研究。E-mail: zhyao2018@sinano.ac.cn" ]
[ "张子旸(1975-),男,内蒙古通辽人,博士,研究员,博士研究生导师,2003年于中国科学院半导体研究所获得博士学位,主要从事半导体光电子材料和器件的研制、光子集成器件的研制、低维材料的分子束外延生长的研究。E-mail: zyzhang2014@sinano.ac.cn" ]
姚中辉, 陈红梅, 张子旸. 基于双倾斜沟槽结构的O波段单纵模Fabry-Pérot激光器[J]. 发光学报, 2021,42(11):1804-1809.
ZHONG-HUI YAO, HONG-MEI CHEN, ZI-YANG ZHANG. O-band Single Longitudinal Mode Fabry-Pérot Laser Based on Double Slanted Slots Structure. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2021, 42(11): 1804-1809.
姚中辉, 陈红梅, 张子旸. 基于双倾斜沟槽结构的O波段单纵模Fabry-Pérot激光器[J]. 发光学报, 2021,42(11):1804-1809. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20210263.
ZHONG-HUI YAO, HONG-MEI CHEN, ZI-YANG ZHANG. O-band Single Longitudinal Mode Fabry-Pérot Laser Based on Double Slanted Slots Structure. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2021, 42(11): 1804-1809. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20210263.
基于双倾斜刻蚀沟槽结构成功实现了无需二次外延生长的单纵模Fabry-Pérot(F-P)激光器。分析了F-P谐振腔中存在刻蚀沟槽的谐振条件,沟槽的倾斜有利于获得稳定的单纵模输出。为了进一步研究斜槽宽度对器件输出性能的影响,在保持沟槽倾斜角为4°的前提下,制备了不同斜槽宽度的激光器器件,测试发现,当斜槽的刻蚀宽度为1.5 μm时器件的单模输出性能最佳。该器件在70 mA连续电流注入下展现出了高达40 dB的边模抑制比,并且在不同的电流注入下均保持稳定的单纵模输出。在25~70 ℃的测试范围内,有斜槽时光谱红移速率仅为0.12 nm/℃,远小于无斜槽时0.6 nm/℃的红移速率,进一步证实了斜槽的引入可以有效地实现稳定的单纵模输出,展示出了在光通信应用的潜力。
The re-growth free single longitudinal mode Fabry-Pérot(F-P) lasers based on etched double slanted slots have been achieved. Firstly
we have analyzed the resonant conditions for the F-P laser with a pair of etched slots
and the stably single longitudinal mode operation can be obtained when the slots are tilted with an angle of 4°. To investigate the effects of the slot widths on the device performance
the laser chips with various slot widths have been fabricated. It has been found that the best single mode performance has been realized of the laser chip with the slot width of 1.5 μm. And the quite stable single mode operation has been achieved with a side mode suppression ratio as high as 40 dB under a continuous-wave current injection of 70 mA for the laser. Under the test temperatures ranging from 20 ℃ to 75 ℃
the lasing wavelength shift rate for the slotted F-P lasers is only 0.12 nm/℃
which is much smaller than 0.6 nm/℃ for the lasers without slots. These results further confirm that a stable single longitudinal mode can be achieved by introducing slots in a F-P laser
which shows great potential for the application of optical communications.
F-P laseretched slotssingle longitudinal modeoptical communications
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