1.深圳大学 材料学院, AIE研究中心, 广东 深圳 518060;
2.香港科技大学 化学系, 国家人体组织功能重建工程技术研究中心香港分中心, 中国 香港 999077
[ "张志军(1990-),男,河南周口人,博士,博士后,2018年于四川大学获得博士学位,主要从事聚集诱导发光材料与生物应用的研究。E-mail: zhijunzhang90@163.com" ]
[ "王东(1985-),男,山东单县人,博士,副教授,2013年和2014年分别于兰州大学和法国波尔多大学获得博士学位,主要从事新型聚集诱导发光(AIE)材料的开发及其在生物成像和疾病治疗等方面应用的研究。E-mail: wangd@szu.edu.cn" ]
[ "唐本忠(1957-),男,湖北潜江人,博士,教授,中国科学院院士,亚太材料科学院院士,发展中国家科学院院士,1988年于日本京都大学获得博士学位,主要从事高分子化学和先进功能材料的研究。E-mail: tangbenz@ust.hk" ]
张志军, 康苗苗, 王媛玮, 等. 聚集诱导发光材料在光学诊疗中的研究进展[J]. 发光学报, 2021,42(3):361-378.
ZHI-JUN ZHANG, MIAO-MIAO KANG, YUAN-WEI WANG, et al. Recent Advances of Aggregation-induced Emission Materials in Phototheranostics. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2021, 42(3): 361-378.
张志军, 康苗苗, 王媛玮, 等. 聚集诱导发光材料在光学诊疗中的研究进展[J]. 发光学报, 2021,42(3):361-378. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20210029.
ZHI-JUN ZHANG, MIAO-MIAO KANG, YUAN-WEI WANG, et al. Recent Advances of Aggregation-induced Emission Materials in Phototheranostics. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2021, 42(3): 361-378. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20210029.
Phototheranostics involving the ingenious integration of light-triggered diagnostics and therapeutics has been recognized to be potentially powerful for disease treatment as it provides high temporal and spatial selectivity
low side effects
high therapeutic effectiveness and controllability. Benefiting from the appreciable biosafety
tuneable photophysical properties
facile processability and functionalization
excellent fluorescence and photosensitizing performances
as well as the feasibility in building multimodal phototheranostic agents
luminogens with aggregation-induced emission(AIE) nature have achieved great breakthrough in the field of phototheranostics over the past few years. This review summarizes the state-of-the-art advancements of AIE luminogens in phototheranostic applications mainly referring to fluorescence imaging-guided photodynamic therapy
photoacoustic imaging-guided photothermal therapy
and multimodal imaging-guided synergistic therapy on the basis of the precise molecular engineering and subtle regulation of molecular aggregation behaviors. Additionally
a brief conclusion and perspectives for the future of this field are also presented at the end of this review.
aggregation-induced emissionphototheranosticsaggregation-enhanced theranosticsbiomedical applications
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