1.中国科学院半导体研究所 集成光电子学国家重点实验室, 北京 100083
2.中国科学院大学 材料科学与光电技术学院, 北京 100049
3.中国科学院大学 材料科学与光电工程中心, 北京 100049
[ "曹子坤(1993-), 男, 湖北荆州人, 博士研究生, 2016年于北京科技大学获得学士学位, 主要从事氮化镓材料光电器件的研究。E-mail:zikuncao@semi.ac.cn" ]
[ "赵德刚(1972-), 男, 湖北钟祥人, 博士, 教授, 博士研究生导师, 2000年于中国科学院半导体研究所获得博士学位, 主要从事宽禁带半导体材料与光电子器件的研究。E-mail:dgzhao@red.semi.ac.cn" ]
Received:18 March 2020,
ZI-KUN CAO, ZONG-SHUN LIU, DE-SHENG JIANG, et al. Fabrication of High Gain GaN Based PIN Avalanche Diode and Estimation of p-GaN Layer Carrier Concentration. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2020, 41(6): 707-713.
ZI-KUN CAO, ZONG-SHUN LIU, DE-SHENG JIANG, et al. Fabrication of High Gain GaN Based PIN Avalanche Diode and Estimation of p-GaN Layer Carrier Concentration. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2020, 41(6): 707-713. DOI: 10.3788/fgxb20204106.0707.
介绍了GaN基pin雪崩探测器的制作过程和测试结果。制作的器件在71 V反向偏压下发生雪崩,倍增因子达到5×10
。我们发现,p层载流子浓度是影响器件性能的重要参数。结合电场强度分布的分析,本文提出了一种估算p层载流子浓度的方法,进一步计算得到刚好雪崩击穿时的最大电场值为2.6 MV/cm,与以往GaN雪崩器件所报道的研究结果相似。最后,霍尔测试和SIMS测量p层载流子浓度的结果与模型计算的估算值吻合。
The fabrication process and test results of the GaN based pin avalanche detector are described in detail. The avalanche in obtained device occurs at a reverse bias of 71 V
and the multiplication factor reaches 5×10
. It is found that the p-layer carrier concentration is an important parameter affecting the device performance. Combined with the analysis of electric field intensity distribution
a method to estimate the carrier concentration in p-layer is proposed
and further calculation indicates that the maximum electric field value at avalanche breakdown is 2.6 MV/cm
which is similar to the previously reported values for GaN avalanche detectors. At last
Hall test and Secondary ion mass spectroscopy(SIMS) results are consistent with those estimated by the model calculation.
GaNavalanche detectorPoisson equation
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