1.福州大学 物理与信息工程学院, 福建 福州 350116
2.中国福建光电信息科学与技术创新实验室, 福建 福州 350108
Published:05 October 2022,
Received:14 June 2022,
Revised:04 July 2022,
XU HAI-LONG, CHEN KONG-JIE, CHEN PEI-QI, et al. Photoelectric Characteristics of Non-electric Contact GaN-based Micro-LED Device. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2022, 43(10): 1592-1600.
XU HAI-LONG, CHEN KONG-JIE, CHEN PEI-QI, et al. Photoelectric Characteristics of Non-electric Contact GaN-based Micro-LED Device. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2022, 43(10): 1592-1600. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20220237.
的驱动信号下,器件亮度随频率的增大先上升后下降,在频率为25 MHz时,器件亮度达到最大,且发光峰值滞后于电流峰值,说明器件的发光存在延迟。器件的等效阻抗随着频率的增大呈现先减小后趋于稳定的趋势,且器件在频率53 MHz附近出现负电容现象。
In this paper, non-electrical contact(NEC) GaN-based Micro-LED devices were prepared by metal organic chemical vapor deposition(MOCVD) and atomic layer deposition(ALD) because a series of problems would emerge, including mass transfer, bonding, and high-quality contact between chips and driving electrodes as the LED chip size is further decreased. We investigated the photoelectric characteristics of NEC Micro-LED devices, such as the current-voltage(
), luminance-frequency(
), luminescence delay and impedance-frequency(
) characteristics, and the working mechanism of the device is also analyzed. These experimental results indicate that the current of the NEC Micro-LED device increases with the increase of the frequency and
curves have linear relationships under the role of the alternating-current drive. At the driving signal of 20
, the luminances of the NEC Micro-LED device first increase and then fall with the gradual increases of the frequencies. When the frequency is 25 MHz, the luminance of NEC Micro-LED device reaches to be the maximum. Moreover, the luminescence peak lags behind the current peak, indicating that the luminescence of the device is delayed. Besides, the equivalent impedance of the NEC Micro-LED device decreases and finally tends to be stable with the increases of the frequencies and the device shows the negative capacitance phenomenon around the frequency of 53 MHz.
Micro-LED deviceGaNnon-electrical contactalternating-current drivephotoelectric characteristics
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