1.福州大学 化学学院, 福建 福州 350108
2.中国科学院福建物质结构研究所 中国科学院功能纳米结构设计与组装重点实验室, 福建省纳米材料重点实验室, 福建 福州 350002
3.厦门稀土材料研究所 厦门市稀土光电功能材料重点实验室, 福建 厦门 361021
4.中国科学院 赣江创新研究院, 江西 赣州 341000
Published:05 September 2022,
Received:05 May 2022,
Revised:17 May 2022,
HE XIAN-GUO, HUANG DE-CAI, SONG LI-PING, et al. Near-infrared Photoluminescence Properties of NaAlP2O7∶Cr3+ Phosphor. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2022, 43(9): 1380-1389.
HE XIAN-GUO, HUANG DE-CAI, SONG LI-PING, et al. Near-infrared Photoluminescence Properties of NaAlP2O7∶Cr3+ Phosphor. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2022, 43(9): 1380-1389. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20220180.
宽带近红外发光荧光粉,该材料在450 nm蓝光激发下,发射出650~1 000 nm的近红外光,峰值位于780 nm,半高宽为 1 580 cm
;其在423 K下的发光强度能够维持室温下的71%,表现出良好的发光热稳定性。对材料的晶体结构和变温光谱(8~503 K)进行了系统的分析,计算得到了Cr
基质中的晶体场强度等参数;利用8 K低温光谱,并结合计算,分析了Cr
Near-infrared phosphor-converted light-emitting diode(NIR pc-LED) light source has a great application prospect in medical imaging, food detection, sensing and other aspects. The spectral characteristic and photoelectric conversion efficiency of the pc-LEDs are highly dependent on the performance of NIR phosphors. Currently, the development of inexpensive, efficient, and thermally stable broadband NIR phosphors remains a great challenge. Among the potential broadband NIR phosphors, the Cr
activated NIR materials have attracted serious attentions due to their advantages of being able to be excited efficiently by blue light and tunable emission band. In this study, a broadband NIR phosphor NaAlP
was successfully synthesized by high temperature solid-state method. Under 450 nm blue light excitation, the phosphor shows a broadband emission covering 650-1 000 nm with a peak centered at ~780 nm and a full width at half-maximum(FWHM) of 1 580 cm
. Particularly, at 423 K, the NaAlP
sample retained ~71% of the photoluminescence(PL) intensity at room temperature, exhibiting good PL thermal stability. Furthermore, the crystallographic site occupation and crystal field strength parameter of Cr
ions in NaAlP
host were investigated based on the structural analysis and temperature-dependent(8-503 K) spectra of the phosphor. The zero-phonon lines of Cr
energy levels were determined by low temperature spectroscopy at 8 K and theoretical calculation. The PL thermal quenching mechanism of Cr
was discussed in combination with high temperature dependent spectra. In summary,
this work presents a new broadband NIR phosphor for application in NIR pc-LEDs, and highlights some strategies to explore this class of materials.
near-infrared phosphorbroadband emissionphotoluminescence thermal quenchingelectron-phonon coupling
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