1.太原理工大学 材料科学与工程学院,山西 太原 030024
2.航天科工防御技术研究试验中心,北京 100854
3.太原理工大学 新材料界面科学与工程教育部重点实验室,山西 太原 030024
4.太原理工大学 轻纺工程学院,山西 太原 030024
5.陕西科技大学 材料原子·分子科学研究所,陕西 西安 710021
Received:13 January 2022,
Revised:11 February 2022,
XIAO-JUAN DU, JING LIU, HAI-LIANG DONG, et al. Effect of Al Composition of Electron Blocking Layer on Photoelectric Performance of GaN-based Blue Laser Diode. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2022, 43(5): 773-785.
XIAO-JUAN DU, JING LIU, HAI-LIANG DONG, et al. Effect of Al Composition of Electron Blocking Layer on Photoelectric Performance of GaN-based Blue Laser Diode. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2022, 43(5): 773-785. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20220016.
采用SiLENSe(Simulator of light emitters based on nitride semiconductors)软件仿真研究了Al
N EBL LD导带底的电子势垒显著提高,价带顶的空穴势垒降低。这主要是由于该结构能有效抑制电子泄漏和提高空穴注入效率,从而提高有源区载流子浓度,进而提高有源区辐射复合效率。当注入电流为0.48 A时,采用Al组分阶梯渐变Al
N EBL结构能将器件开启电压从5.1 V降至4.9 V,光学损耗从3.4 cm
降至3.29 cm
,从而使光输出功率从335 mW提高至352 mW,电光转换效率从12.5%提高至13.4%。此外,讨论了Al组分阶梯渐变EBL结构对GaN基蓝光LD光电性能的影响机制。该结构设计将为外延生长高功率GaN基LD提供实验数据和理论支撑。
The influence of Al composition-graded of Al
N electron blocking layer(EBL) on the photoelectric performance of GaN-based laser diode was numerically investigated using SiLENSe(Simulator of light emitters based on nitride semiconductors) software to achieve high output power and high conversion efficiency. The four Al composition graded modes in this paper are traditional uniform composition
right step-graded composition(0-0.07-0.16)
triangle-graded composition(0-0.16-0)
and left-step graded composition(0.16-0.07-0) respectively. Comparing with the traditional homogeneous composition EBL
it was found that Al composition step-graded EBL not only could significantly enhance band offset of conduction band result in reducing the electron leakage
but also could decrease band offset of valence band in order to improve holes injection efficiency and enhance radiative recombination efficiency. This is mainly due to the fact that Al step-graded composition structure could effectively restrain the electron leakage to the p-side and improve holes injection efficiency
so as to increase the carrier concentration and radiation recombination in the active zone. The Al step-graded composition EBL could effectively reduce opening voltage from 5.1 V to 4.9 V and decrease optical loss from 3.4 cm
to 3.29 cm
thus the output power was increased from 335 mW to 352 mW and the conversion efficiency was increased from 12.5% to 13.4% respectively at the current density of 6 kA/cm
. In addition
the influence mechanism of Al step-graded composition EBL on the photoelectric performances of GaN-based laser diode was discussed. This structure will provide experimental data and theoretical support for the epitaxial growth of high-power GaN-based laser diode.
GaN-based blue laser diodeselectron blocking layerAl compositionphotoelectric performance
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