1.宁波大学 信息科学与工程学院,浙江 宁波 315211
2.南京大学 固体微结构国家重点实验室,江苏 南京 210093
Received:09 December 2021,
Revised:19 December 2021,
XIU-DONG CAO, HUI-HONG ZHANG, YE TIAN, et al. Preparation and Performance of Luminescent Solar Concentrator Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance Effect. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2022, 43(3): 396-403.
XIU-DONG CAO, HUI-HONG ZHANG, YE TIAN, et al. Preparation and Performance of Luminescent Solar Concentrator Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance Effect. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2022, 43(3): 396-403. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20210387.
The surface plasmon resonance effect of metal nanoparticles can enhance the absorption and scattering of incident light at a certain wavelength. Because of this unique optical property
the metal nanoparticles are developed for the applications of luminescent solar concentrators. In this paper
the Au nanoparticles with different concentrations are introduced to the luminescent solar concentrators based on the all-inorganic perovskite CsPbBr
quantum dots and the thiol-ene polymer. The results show that the Au nanoparticles with suitable concentration can improve the external quantum efficiency of the luminescent solar concentrators by the surface plasmon resonance effect. When the doping concentration of Au nanoparticles is 2.0×10
the external quantum efficiency of the luminescent solar concentrator is 12.3%
which is enhanced by 78.2% compared with that of Au-free luminescent solar concentrator. With the further increase of Au nanoparticle doping concentration above 2.0×10
the external quantum efficiency of the luminescent solar concentrators decreases. According to the photoluminescence emission spectra and the time-resolved photoluminescence emission curves
excessive Au nanoparticle doping concentration leads to the non-radiative energy transfer process between the CsPbBr
quantum dots and Au nanoparticles. The decreasing fluorescence quantum yield(
) gives rises to decreasing external quantum efficiency of the luminescent solar concentrator.
perovskite quantum dotAu nanoparticlesurface plasmon resonance effectexternal quantum efficiencynon-radiative energy transfer
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