1.凯里学院 大数据工程学院,贵州 凯里 556011
2.重庆大学 光电工程学院,重庆 400044
3.重庆邮电大学 光电学院,重庆 400065
Received:12 October 2021,
Revised:27 October 2021,
FAN-JU ZENG, YONG-QIAN TAN, WEI HU, et al. Synthesis and Optical Properties of Barium Doped CsPbBr3 Blue Luminescence Quantum Dots. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2022, 43(1): 69-76.
FAN-JU ZENG, YONG-QIAN TAN, WEI HU, et al. Synthesis and Optical Properties of Barium Doped CsPbBr3 Blue Luminescence Quantum Dots. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2022, 43(1): 69-76. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20210323.
I)因其荧光带宽窄、带隙可调、合成工艺简单以及荧光量子产率(Photoluminescence quantum yield
离子半径,导致合成量子点粒径由未掺杂的11.37 nm减小到Ba/Pb为1.0时的10.36 nm;此外,Ba
离子的引入拓展了带宽,吸收光谱和荧光光谱均发生蓝移,荧光光谱由未掺杂的510 nm的绿光蓝移至Ba/Pb量比为1.0 时的461 nm的蓝光。当前驱液中Ba/Pb量比为0.5时,在461 nm处具有最强的蓝光发射,PLQY为39%。研究证明适量引入BaBr
In recent years
all-inorganic halide perovskite CsPb
I) has attracted tremendous attention owning to its narrow emission full width at half maximum
tunable bandgap
low production cost
and high photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY). However
the blue luminescence perovskite quantum dots(QDs) is still lag behind their red and green luminescence counterparts. Herein
the Ba
ion doped CsPbBr
QDs was obtained by adjusting the molar ratio of BaBr
and PbBr
in precursor solution. The crystal structure
and optical property of as-prepared QDs were studied. The results exhibited that the decrease of particle size and blue shift in absorption and photoluminescence spectra as the increase of the Ba/Pb molar ratio. It is mainly contributed that the ionic radius of Ba
is smaller than Pb
and the bandgap of as-prepared quantum dots is enlarged by partially replacement Pb
ion with Ba
ion. The particle size is decreases from 11.37 nm(undoped) to 10.36 nm(Ba/Pb molar ratio of 1.0). The photoluminescence is blue shift from 510 nm(undoped) to 461 nm(Ba
ion doped). Most interesting
the Ba
doped CsPbBr
quantum dot with the Ba/Pb molar ratio of 0.5 demonstrated the super blue luminescence at 461 nm with PLQY of 39%. It is certified that the optical property could be effectively improved by introducing appropriate amount Ba
ion to partially replacement of Pb
Ba2+ ion doped CsPbBr3blue luminescence quantum dotssynthesisoptical property
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