图1 (a)(ⅰ)用3种不同的苯二胺异构体制备红绿蓝三色CDs,(ⅱ)m-CDs、o-CDs和p-CDs在日光下(左)和λ=365 nm紫外线照射下(右)的照片[
Published:01 August 2021,
Received:30 April 2021,
Revised:17 May 2021
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Recently, the fluorescence biosensor based on carbon dots(CDs) and aptamer is more and more attractive. Comparing with traditional fluorescence materials like fluorescence dye, semiconductor quantum dots and rare earth phosphors, CDs have attracted considerable attention in the field of fluorescence biosensor due to their excellent photoluminescence, low toxicity and low-cost prepare process. The fluorescence biosensor based on CDs and aptamer has extensive application prospect in the field of environment monitoring, bioimaging and biomedicine. This review will summarize the structural composition, fabrication methods, sensing mechanism and application area of fluorescence biosensor based on CDs and aptamer.
carbon dots;
fluorescence biosensor;
sensing mechanism
碳点是一种尺寸小于10 nm的新型零维碳基纳米材料,在2004年由Xu等首次通过物理方式从电弧放电产生的烟灰中纯化得到[
由于合成方式与前体材料的多样化,碳点材料具有多种结构特征,因此碳点是一大类材料的统称。虽然目前关于碳点的分类仍有争论,但人们逐渐接受将碳点依据结构特征分为石墨烯量子点(Graphene quantum dots,GQDs)、碳量子点(Carbon quantum dots,CQDs)以及碳化聚合物点(Carbonized polymer dots,CPDs)[
图1 (a)(ⅰ)用3种不同的苯二胺异构体制备红绿蓝三色CDs,(ⅱ)m-CDs、o-CDs和p-CDs在日光下(左)和λ=365 nm紫外线照射下(右)的照片[
Fig.1 (a)(i)Preparation of the RGB PL CDs from three different phenylenediamine isomers. (ⅱ)Photographs of m-CDs, o-CDs, and p-CDs dispersed in ethanol in daylight(left), and under λ=365 nm UV irradiation(right)[
Ellington和 Tuerk 在1990年分别独立地创建了体外指数富集配体的系统进化技术[
图2 标记法构建荧光生物传感器。 (a)基于AuNPs和CDs-Apt的检测系统构建方法[
Fig.2 Construction of fluorescence biosensor by labeling method. (a)Construct method of detection system based on AuNPs and CDs-Apt[
图3 免标记法构建的荧光生物传感器。 (a)检测啶虫脒的荧光生物传感器示意图[
Fig.3 Fabrication of fluorescence biosensor by free-labeling method. (a)Schematic illustration of fluorescent biosensor for acetamiprid detection[
基于碳点与适配体的荧光生物传感器的构建方式已经在上文进行了详细介绍,不难发现,无论是使用标记法还是免标记法构建的荧光生物传感器,在信号转导时大部分会涉及到荧光的猝灭与恢复过程。目前基于碳点与适配体构建的荧光生物传感器的传感机理主要有以下四种:荧光共振能量转移(Fluorescent resonance energy transfer,FRET)、内滤效应(Internal filter effect,IFE)、光致电荷转移(Photo-induced electron transfer,PET)和聚集诱导猝灭效应(Aggregation-caused quenching,ACQ)。
荧光共振能量转移过程是福斯特共振能量转移(Förster resonance energy transfer)的一种形式,它指的是能量供体与受体之间的非辐射能量转移过程[
图4 荧光生物传感器的传感机理。 (a)基于FRET效应检测AK的荧光传感方案示意图[
Fig.4 Sensing mechanism of fluorescent biosensors. (a)Schematic illustration of a fluorescence aptasensor for AK detection based on FRET[
图5 检测金属离子。(a)通过二硫化钼纳米片对CDs-Apt的荧光猝灭作用检测二价汞离子[
Fig.5 Detection of metal ions. (a)Principle for the fluorescence quenching of MoS2 nanosheets through their interaction with CDs-Apt for sensitive detection of mercury(Ⅱ)[
6.2.1 有机小分子
图6 检测有机小分子。 (a)以适配体标记的双发射碳量子点构建荧光比值传感器检测邻苯二甲酸二丁酯[
Fig.6 Detection of organic small molecule. (a)Detection dibutyl phthalate by fluorescence ratiosensor based on dual-emission carbon quantum dot labeled aptamers[
地高辛(DX)是一种心脏糖苷类药物,临床用于治疗充血性心力衰竭和心律失常。DX治疗指标狭窄(1~2 ng/mL),在浓度超过2.8 ng/mL时有较高毒性,因此对患者体液(血浆和尿液)中DX浓度的实时监控非常重要。Elmizadeh等采用硼氢化钠还原的石墨烯量子点(rGQDs)分别基于光致电荷转移及荧光共振能量转移传感机制设计了两种荧光生物传感器,均可实现对生物液体中DX浓度的快速灵敏传感[
6.2.2 生物小分子
图7 检测生物分子。 (a)基于CDs-Apt和NG的AD传感器示意图[
Fig.7 Detection of biomolecule. (a)Schematic illustration of AD sensor based on CDs-aptamer and NG[
类似于腺苷的检测,由碳点与适配体构建的荧光生物传感器还可用于ATP 与多巴胺的快速、灵敏及特异性检测。与传统的“turn-on”型荧光变化方式不同,Luo等基于FRET机制设计了一种可进行信号放大的“turn-off”型ATP检测器[
6.2.3 细菌分泌物
图8 检测细菌分泌物。 (a) AFB1传感器工作原理示意图[
Fig.8 Detection of bacterial secretion. (a)Schematic diagram showing the operating principle of the sensor for AFB1[
图9 检测蛋白质。 (a)基于NIR-CDs的荧光传感器检测靶标CEA[
Fig.9 Detection of protein. (a)NIR-CDs-based fluorescence turn-on aptasensor for detection of target CEA[
图10 检测细胞。 (a)CD-Apt对细菌细胞的传感过程[
Fig.10 Detection of cells. (a)Scheme of the coupling process of CD-apt complexes and bacterial cells[
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