Xue-feng BAN, Cui-luan WANG, Su-ping LIU, et al. Development of 808 nm High-power Distributed Feedback Laser Array. [J]. Chinese Journal of Luminescence 42(4):504-509(2021)
Xue-feng BAN, Cui-luan WANG, Su-ping LIU, et al. Development of 808 nm High-power Distributed Feedback Laser Array. [J]. Chinese Journal of Luminescence 42(4):504-509(2021) DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20200396.
Development of 808 nm High-power Distributed Feedback Laser Array
In order to improve the pumping efficiency of high-power semiconductor lasers
the drift coefficient of the output wavelength of the semiconductor laser with temperature must be reduced. The high-power distributed feedback laser array is fabricated using MOCVD epitaxial technology
dry etching and wet etching. The cavity length of this laser array is 1 mm
and the wavelength is 808 nm at 25 ℃. By testing the
curve and spectrogram at different heat sink temperatures
it is shown that when the pulse working current is 148 A
the output power of the laser array can reach 100 W. The slope efficiency is 0.9 W/A. The FWHM of the spectrum is 0.5 nm. The side mode suppression ratio can reach 40 dB. The thermal drift coefficient of the emission wavelength is 0.056 nm/℃. Single-array wavelength lock ranges up to 50 ℃ and total lock ranges 100 ℃. In addition
the influence of the cavity surface coating on the wavelength locking effect is also analyzed.
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