北京交通大学 理学院, 光电子技术研究所, 发光与光信息教育部重点实验室, 北京 100044
Received:20 October 2020,
CAI-XIA ZHANG, XIANG-PENG ZHANG, JIA-HAO ZHANG, et al. Advances in Non-fullerene Organic Solar Cells: from Device Physics to Magnetic Field Effects. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2020, 41(12): 1598-1613.
CAI-XIA ZHANG, XIANG-PENG ZHANG, JIA-HAO ZHANG, et al. Advances in Non-fullerene Organic Solar Cells: from Device Physics to Magnetic Field Effects. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2020, 41(12): 1598-1613. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20200314.
Non-fullerene acceptor materials are one of the most popular organic optoelectronic materials at present stage. Organic bulk heterojunction(BHJ) solar cells based on non-fullerene acceptors(NFAs) have been developing rapidly
and their single-junction power conversion efficiencies (PCE) have reached 18%. The mutual conversion between singlets and triplets in organic semiconductors under the magnetic field will affect the dissociation and recombination for electrons and holes
thereby will have a certain impact on the photovoltaic performance. Moreover
the triplet excitons have a longer lifetime and diffusion distance
as well as higher probabilities for the triplet-charge reaction
which gives rise to the photocurrent
so that the triplet material has a certain effect on the improvement of photovoltaic performance. Thus
this article mainly discusses non-fullerene organic solar cells from the following aspects. Firstly
to discuss the effect of charge separation
recombination and energy loss on the open-circuit voltage; secondly
to talk about the spin-dependent photophysical process for the organic solar cells under the magnetic field and the application of the triplet materials in organic solar cells
both of which influence the improvement of photovoltaic performance; finally
a prospective for further improvements of the organic photovoltaic performance and the spin problem under the organic semiconductor magnetic field will be given.
non-fullerene organic solar cellscharge separation and recombinationenergy lossesmagnetic field effectstriplet acceptor materials
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