1.天津工业大学 电子与信息工程学院, 天津 300387
2.天津市光电检测与系统重点实验室, 天津 300387
3.天津三安光电有限公司, 天津 300384
Received:26 September 2020,
XIN-WEI WANG, HONG-WEI LIU, KE GAO, et al. Polarization and Spectral Simulation of Nano-LED Semi-polarized InGaN/GaN Single Quantum Well. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2021, 42(1): 111-117.
XIN-WEI WANG, HONG-WEI LIU, KE GAO, et al. Polarization and Spectral Simulation of Nano-LED Semi-polarized InGaN/GaN Single Quantum Well. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2021, 42(1): 111-117. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20200285.
通过有限元分析,利用COMSOL软件模拟计算了Nano-LED半极性面InGaN/GaN单量子阱距离边缘不同位置的应变和压电极化分布,并结合模拟得到的量子阱极化电场,采用Silvaco软件计算得到了Nano-LED InGaN/GaN单量子阱距离边缘不同位置的发光光谱。应变和压电极化分布结果表明,其在距离半极性面量子阱边缘100 nm的范围内变化明显。然而,在半极性面内部,应力释放现象消失,压电极化电场变强,量子限制Stark效应导致InGaN/GaN单量子阱发光强度降低。发光光谱分析表明,60 mA工作电流下,Nano-LEDInGaN/GaN半极性面量子阱边缘位置的光谱峰值最大蓝移达21 nm,其原因在于边缘的应力释放作用。Nano-LED非极性面和半极性面的整体光谱分析表明,在固定Nano-LED高度条件下,Nano-LED的直径越大,半极性面占比越高,器件整体发光光谱的双峰值现象越明显,这将为多波长Nano-LED器件的设计提供借鉴。
In this paper
the strain and the piezoelectric polarization distribution of Nano-LED semipolar InGaN/GaN single quantum well(QW) have been analyzed by COMSOL. The radiation spectrum characteristic of the quantum well has also been calculated by using finite element method(Silvaco). The simulated results indicate that the piezoelectric polarization changed significantly within 100 nm of the QW edge. Through the QW strain distribution
the stress release is more obvious at the edge of InGaN/GaN QW. But in the central of the semi-polarized plane
the strain release vanishes and the piezoelectric polarization increases. Thus
the luminous efficiency of QW decreases because of the quantum confinement Stark effect(QCSE). At the edge of semipolar InGaN/GaN QW
blue shift about 21 nm is observed at driven current of 60 mA. The simulated emission spectra of Nano-LED show that the double peak is obvious when the proportion of semi-polar QW is higher in the Nano-LED device
which can be used as a reference for the multi-spectrum Nano-LED design.
Nano-LEDquantum well strainpolarizationfinite element
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