1.成都大学 机械工程学院, 四川 成都 610106
2.昆明理工大学 材料科学与工程学院, 云南省新材料制备与加工重点实验室, 云南 昆明 650093
3.交通运输部南海航海保障中心 北海航标处, 广西 北海 536000
4.成都理工大学 材料与化学化工学院, 四川 成都 610059
[ "安欣(1998-),男,山东潍坊人,硕士研究生,2021年于济宁学院获得学士学位,主要从事长余辉材料的研究。" ]
[ "王婷(1991-),女,四川成都人,博士,研究员,2019年于中国香港理工大学获得博士学位,主要从事长余辉材料缺陷构建及调控光行为以及光存储功能材料相关的研究。" ]
[ "余雪(1981-),女,河南信阳人,博士,教授,博士生导师,2010年于兰州大学获得博士学位,主要从事稀土掺杂发光材料的多波段光行为的设计与调控和高热稳定性光电器件的探索与性能研究。" ]
AN Xin,YUE Yang,ZHU Nannan,et al.Photo-stimulated Long Afterglow of SrAl2O4∶Eu2+,Dy3+,Tm3+ and Its Anti-counterfeit Applications[J].Chinese Journal of Luminescence,2023,44(11):1931-1939.
安欣,岳杨,朱楠楠等.SrAl2O4∶Eu2+,Dy3+,Tm3+荧光材料的光激励诱导长余辉特性及其防伪应用[J].发光学报,2023,44(11):1931-1939. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20230206.
AN Xin,YUE Yang,ZHU Nannan,et al.Photo-stimulated Long Afterglow of SrAl2O4∶Eu2+,Dy3+,Tm3+ and Its Anti-counterfeit Applications[J].Chinese Journal of Luminescence,2023,44(11):1931-1939. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20230206.
离子可以调控陷阱密度及结构,在减少浅陷阱密度的同时增加了深陷阱浓度,进而有效调控载流子在陷阱中的存储与释放过程。通过980 nm近红外激光诱导深陷阱释放载流子可再次被浅陷阱捕获,表现出明显的光激励长余辉发射。基于此,本工作探索了一种温度和时间维度的多模式防伪技术,实现二进制编码的读写。因此,本工作通过对SAO∶Eu
The advancement of anti-counterfeiting technology is closely linked to national security and social stability, making it significantly important in today's society, particularly in the realm of information security. Optical storage fluorescent materials offer significant advantages in the field of anti-counterfeiting with the characteristics of low cost, high resolution and fast response speed. Unfortunately, the practical application of these materials is limited by the single anti-counterfeiting mode of the corresponding phosphor and the requirement for specific excitation wavelengths. Among various long afterglow phosphors, SrAl
) stands out as the most successful one in low-light situations, luminous paint, road signs, and other applications. The long afterglow effect of SAO∶Eu
is attributed to the release of the captured carriers by thermal disturbance at room temperature, and this phenomenon depends on the number and concentration of effective traps. It implies that constructing the trap structure of the corresponding phosphor could effectively regulate the relevant optical storage performance. In this study, the introduction of Tm
ions into the SAO∶Eu
optical storage fluorescent material is employed to regulate the trap density and structure. This adjustment can simultaneously reduce the trap density and form a rich deep defect structure, thereby significantly impacting the storage and release of the captured carriers. By employing near-infrared laser diode excitation, the carriers released from deep traps can be captured by the shallow traps, performing photo-stimulated properties, and the subsequently long afterglow luminescence after the removal of the excitation. Consequently, a temperature-dependent multi-mode anti-counterfeiting approach is explored to realize binary coding. This work demonstrates the application of dynamic anti-counterfeiting and optical information storage, expanding the practical application of SAO∶Eu
phosphor in the field of information security.
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