太原科技大学 应用科学学院, 山西省光场调控与融合应用技术创新中心, 山西 太原 030024
[ "刘子江(1997-),男,山西忻州人,硕士研究生,2021年于辽宁石油化工大学获得学士学位,主要从事碳纳米点发光材料的制备及应用的研究。" ]
[ "秦振兴(1982-),男,山西长治人,博士,教授,2013年于华南理工大学获得博士学位,主要从事新型发光材料的制备及应用的研究。E⁃mail: qinzx@tyust.edu.cn" ]
LIU Zijiang,MIAO Runze,REN Weijie,et al.Regulations of N and B Co-doping on Carbon Dots Fluorescence[J].Chinese Journal of Luminescence,2023,44(11):1981-1989.
刘子江,苗润泽,任卫杰等.氮和硼元素共掺杂对碳点荧光的调控机制[J].发光学报,2023,44(11):1981-1989. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20230199.
LIU Zijiang,MIAO Runze,REN Weijie,et al.Regulations of N and B Co-doping on Carbon Dots Fluorescence[J].Chinese Journal of Luminescence,2023,44(11):1981-1989. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20230199.
元素掺杂对调节碳点多色发光有着至关重要的作用。然而,目前碳点的可调荧光发射在固态下难以实现,这是因为会发生严重的聚集诱导猝灭(AIQ)现象以及存在制备工艺繁琐等问题。本文报道了一种以间苯三酚为碳源、硼酸为硼元素掺杂剂、尿素为氮元素掺杂剂,采用固相法,微波一步直接制备的氮硼共掺杂固态荧光碳点。随着氮和硼元素含量的变化,所得固态碳点的发光颜色经历黄色、绿色到蓝色的变化。表征分析发现氮和硼元素的掺杂在碳点表面形成了不同的结构和表面官能团,随着氮和硼元素掺杂含量的提高,其中石墨氮、N—C以及B—O/B—N 基团的协同作用导致了碳点发光颜色蓝移,且荧光发光效率增强。此外,鉴于这些固体碳点材料呈现出优异的多色发光性能,选择发光性能最佳的黄色、绿色和蓝色固态荧光碳点作为固态荧光粉末,制备得到了白光发光二极管(WLED)器件。这些器件均具有优良的色度指标,暖白光区发光和个别器件节能高效的工作特性表明这些发光材料在照明领域具有潜在应用前景。
Element doping plays an important role in regulating multicolor luminescence of the carbon dots. However, it is difficult to realize the tunable fluorescence emission of carbon dots in solid state due to serious aggregation induced quenching effect (AIQ) and complicated preparation process. Herein, a kind of nitrogen and boron elements co-doped solid-state fluorescent carbon dots was synthesized by microwave reaction using phloroglucinol as carbon source, boric acid as boron dopant and urea as nitrogen dopant. With the change of nitrogen and boron elements content, the luminescent color of the obtained solid-state carbon dots undergoes variations from yellow, green to blue. After the characterization, it was found that the doping of nitrogen and boron elements formed different structures and new functional groups on the surface of the carbon dots, in which the synergistic effect of graphitic nitrogen, N—C and B—O/B—N bonds led to a blue-shift change of luminescent colors and the increasing fluorescence quantum yields (FLQYs) with the increasing contents of nitrogen and boron dopants in these solid-state carbon dots. In addition, given that these solid-state carbon dots materials exhibited excellent multicolor luminescence properties, yellow, green and blue solid-state fluorescent carbon dots with the best luminescence performance after optimizing fabricated WLED devices with excellent chromaticity indexes. The warm-white light and energy-saving and efficient working characteristics in the some devices indicate that these carbon dots materials possess potential application in the field of lighting.
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