1.上海理工大学科技发展研究院 技术转移中心, 上海 200093
2.上海理工大学 材料与化学学院, 上海 200093
[ "闵华(1975-),男,上海人,硕士,高级技术经纪人,2015年于上海理工大学获得硕士学位,主要从事材料成型及化工装备过程控制。" ]
[ "李颖(1981-),女,内蒙古乌兰浩特人,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,2009年于同济大学获得博士学位,主要从事稀土/高分子荧光杂化材料及其生物化学传感应用的研究。 E-mail: liying@usst.edu.cn" ]
MIN Hua,LIU Li,XIA Jiji,et al.Preparation and Sensing Detection Application of Lanthanide Eu3+/PMMA Polymer Hybrid Probe[J].Chinese Journal of Luminescence,2023,44(11):2076-2080.
闵华,刘丽,夏继绩等.镧系Eu3+/PMMA聚合物杂化探针的制备及其对唾液酸的传感检测应用[J].发光学报,2023,44(11):2076-2080. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20230179.
MIN Hua,LIU Li,XIA Jiji,et al.Preparation and Sensing Detection Application of Lanthanide Eu3+/PMMA Polymer Hybrid Probe[J].Chinese Journal of Luminescence,2023,44(11):2076-2080. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20230179.
@PMMA的荧光产生明显的猝灭效果。此外,在最佳激发波长为325 nm时进行荧光性能对比实验发现Eu(BFA)
In this paper, a polymer-based rare earth hybrid probe functionalized by Eu
was designed and synthesized. The coordination reaction between benzoyl trifluoroacetone (BFA) and lanthanide Eu
was used to obtain the complex Eu(BFA)
, which was further prepared by polymerization with MMA monomer to obtain polymer hybrid probe Eu(BFA)
@PMMA. The structure and fluorescence properties of Eu(BFA)
@PMMA were investigated in detail. It is also used in the sensor detection of tumor marker sialic acid (SA). The results showed that SA can produce a significant quenching effect on the fluorescence of Eu(BFA)
@PMMA. In addition, fluorescence properties contrast experiments at excitation wavelength of 325 nm showed that Eu(BFA)
@PMMA had strong selectivity and anti-interference ability for SA, and the detection limit was low.
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