1.广西大学 省部共建特色金属材料与组合结构全寿命安全国家重点实验室, 广西 南宁 530004
2.广西大学 资源环境与材料学院, 广西 南宁 530004
[ "包文雪(2003-),女,广西合浦人,在读本科生,主要从事新型零维有机-无机杂化金属卤化物发光材料的研究。 E-mail: 3468969059@qq.com" ]
[ "彭辉 (1991-),男,安徽宿州人,博士,特聘副教授,2022年于北京理工大学获得博士学位,主要从事金属卤化物和稀土发光材料的研究。 E-mail: penghuimaterial@163.com" ]
[ "邹炳锁(1965-),男,山东乳山人,博士,教授,1991年于吉林大学获得博士学位,主要从事纳米光子学的研究。 E-mail: zoubs@gxu.edu.cn" ]
BAO Wenxue,PENG Hui,ZOU Bingsuo.Solution Synthesis, Photophysical Properties and Photoelectric Application of Zero-dimensional Organic-inorganic Hybrid Metal Halide[J].Chinese Journal of Luminescence,2023,44(10):1751-1769.
包文雪,彭辉,邹炳锁.零维有机⁃无机杂化金属卤化物的溶液合成、光物理性质及光电应用[J].发光学报,2023,44(10):1751-1769. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20230149.
BAO Wenxue,PENG Hui,ZOU Bingsuo.Solution Synthesis, Photophysical Properties and Photoelectric Application of Zero-dimensional Organic-inorganic Hybrid Metal Halide[J].Chinese Journal of Luminescence,2023,44(10):1751-1769. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20230149.
Zero-dimensional (0D) organic-inorganic hybrid metal halides, as an important functional material, have received widespread attention in the fields of lighting, display, and X-ray scintillator for their excellent luminescent properties. In 0D organic-inorganic hybrid metal halides, the polyhedral anions of metal halides are surrounded by organic cations and completely isolated, forming a unique “host-guest” structure. Hence, 0D organic-inorganic hybrid metal halides generally exhibit the intrinsic properties of single metal-halide polyhedrons. However, 0D organic-inorganic hybrid metal halides, as an emerging luminescent material, not only contain significant spatial confinement characteristics, but also have tunable micro interactions. Therefore, different components have a significant impact on their photophysical mechanism. Based on this, this review first introduces the solution synthesis methods, crystal structure characteristics, and photophysical mechanism of 0D organic-inorganic hybrid metal halides, and then analyzes in detail the regulation of the photophysical mechanism and optoelectronic applications of 0D organic-inorganic hybrid metal halides. Finally, we summarize and prospect the future applications and research of 0D organic-inorganic hybrid metal halides.
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