1.同方中科超光科技有限公司, 北京 102200
2.中国科学院 理化技术研究所, 北京 100190
[ "张兴虎(1976-),男,内蒙古通辽人,博士研究生,2006年于清华大学获得硕士学位,主要从事高能激光技术的 研究。 E-mail: zhangxinghu_01@126.com" ]
[ "许昌(1989-),男,湖北仙桃人,博士,高级工程师,硕士生导师,2017年于哈尔滨工业大学获得博士学位,主要从事高能激光技术的研究。 E-mail: xuchang@mail.ipc.ac.cn" ]
ZHANG Xinghu,TU Wei,CHEN Baizhong,et al.High Power Quasi-continuous-wave Solid-state Slab[J].Chinese Journal of Luminescence,2023,44(04):673-677.
张兴虎,涂玮,陈柏众等.全固态高功率准连续板条激光器[J].发光学报,2023,44(04):673-677. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20220352.
ZHANG Xinghu,TU Wei,CHEN Baizhong,et al.High Power Quasi-continuous-wave Solid-state Slab[J].Chinese Journal of Luminescence,2023,44(04):673-677. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20220352.
报道了一种高功率准连续运转的全固态Nd∶YAG激光器。采用Nd∶YAG晶体板条作为增益介质,平凹腔型作为振荡腔,激光沿Zigzag光路在板条内传播。当抽运功率为9 kW时,振荡可获得平均功率为3 420 W的激光输出,重复频率为1 kHz,激光脉宽为80 μs,单脉冲能量为3.42 J,经过校正后的光束质量
An all-solid-state quasi-continuous-wave(QCW) Nd∶YAG slab laser with a high power was demonstrated. A Nd∶YAG slab crystal is adopted for gain medium, a plane-concave cavity is set up, and the laser beam travels along a Zigzag path in the slab. An average output power of 3 420 W is obtained at a pump power of 9 kW, corresponding to a repetition rate of 1 kHz. The pulse width is 80 μs with a pulse energy of 3.42 J, and the laser beam quality with AO system
is 4.1 times of the diffraction limit.
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