1.中国科学院福建物质结构研究所 光电子材料化学与物理重点实验室, 福建 福州 350002
2.福州大学 化学学院, 福建 福州 350108
3.中国福建光电信息科学与技术创新实验室(闽都创新实验室), 福建 福州 350108
[ "方高阳(1995-),男,江西赣州人,硕士研究生,2019年于南昌航空大学获得学士学位,主要从事激光晶体的研究。 E-mail: fanggaoyang@fjirsm.ac.cn" ]
[ "涂朝阳(1963-),男,福建福州人,博士,研究员,博士生导师,2003年于中国科学院福建物质结构研究所获得博士学位,主要从事激光晶体和非线性光学晶体新材料的探索研究。 E-mail: Tcy@fjirsm.ac.cn" ]
方高阳,王燕,游振宇等.Sr3Gd(BO3)3∶Dy3+/RE3+(RE=Tb, Eu)晶体的生长、发光性质及能量传递[J].发光学报,2022,43(11):1721-1732.
FANG Gao-yang,WANG Yan,YOU Zhen-yu,et al.Crystal Growth, Spectral Properties and Energy Transfer Mechanisms of Sr3Gd(BO3)3∶Dy3+/RE3+(RE=Tb, Eu) Crystals[J].Chinese Journal of Luminescence,2022,43(11):1721-1732.
方高阳,王燕,游振宇等.Sr3Gd(BO3)3∶Dy3+/RE3+(RE=Tb, Eu)晶体的生长、发光性质及能量传递[J].发光学报,2022,43(11):1721-1732. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20220094.
FANG Gao-yang,WANG Yan,YOU Zhen-yu,et al.Crystal Growth, Spectral Properties and Energy Transfer Mechanisms of Sr3Gd(BO3)3∶Dy3+/RE3+(RE=Tb, Eu) Crystals[J].Chinese Journal of Luminescence,2022,43(11):1721-1732. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20220094.
The yellow lasers are of great importance as they have potential applications in the areas such as medical aesthetics, atomic cooling and trapping, and radar. Dy
is the best activating ion for yellow lasers due to its
radiative transition, but its spin-forbidden transition in the visible wavelength leads to a small absorption and emission cross section, which causes difficulties in yellow laser output. In this paper, Dy
(abbreviation Dy
∶SGB), Dy
∶SGB and Dy
∶SGB crystals were successfully grown by the Czochralski method, and their spectral properties and energy transfer mechanisms were analyzed by room-temperature polarization absorption spectra, emission spectra, fluorescence decay curves and Judd-Ofelt theoretical calculations. It is shown that the co-dopant of Tb
and Eu
increases the emission cross section and fluorescence quantum efficiency of Dy
in the yellow emission band, which is favorable to the yellow laser output of Dy
. In addition, it is demonstrated that a mutual energy transfer process between Dy
and Tb
occurs in Dy
∶SGB crystals and only Dy
in Dy
∶SGB crystals.
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