1.太原理工大学 物理与光电工程学院,山西 太原 030024
2.中国地质大学(武汉) 材料与化学学院,湖北 武汉 430074
3.深圳大学 微纳光电子学研究院,广东 深圳 518060
[ "何嘉玉(1997-),女,山西长治人,硕士研究生,2019年于太原师范学院获得学士学位,主要从事微纳光电子探测器的研究。E-mail: 937530084@qq.com" ]
[ "冀婷(1981-),女,山西平遥人,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,2011年于复旦大学获得博士学位,主要从事微纳光子与光电子学领域的研究。E-mail: jiting@tyut.edu.cn" ]
[ "张晗(1984-),男,湖北黄冈人,博士,教授,博士生导师,2011年于新加坡南洋理工大学获得博士学位,主要从事光纤激光器、非线性光学、光纤通信与电子器件、新型功能材料光电子特性、基于石墨烯/类硫化钼异质结的高速光调制器关键技术等方向的研究。E-mail: hzhang@szu.edu.cn" ]
[ "崔艳霞(1984-),女,山西吕梁人,博士,教授,博士生导师,2011年于南京理工大学获得博士学位,主要从事微纳光子与光电子学领域(包括表面等离激元纳米器件、有机及钙钛矿光电探测器及钙钛矿激光器等)的研究。E-mail: yanxiacui@tyut.edu.cn" ]
何嘉玉, 陈克强, 冀婷, 等. 基于二维材料的快速响应金属-半导体-金属结构光电探测器研究进展[J]. 发光学报, 2022,43(5):745-762.
JIA-YU HE, KE-QIANG CHEN, TING JI, et al. Research Progress of Fast Response 2D Material Photodetectors with Metal-semiconductor-metal Structure. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2022, 43(5): 745-762.
何嘉玉, 陈克强, 冀婷, 等. 基于二维材料的快速响应金属-半导体-金属结构光电探测器研究进展[J]. 发光学报, 2022,43(5):745-762. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20220024.
JIA-YU HE, KE-QIANG CHEN, TING JI, et al. Research Progress of Fast Response 2D Material Photodetectors with Metal-semiconductor-metal Structure. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2022, 43(5): 745-762. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20220024.
快速响应光电探测器在光通信、高速摄影、生物医学成像等领域有广泛的需求。目前,市场上应用的快速响应光电探测器大多基于硅、砷化镓等传统的无机半导体材料,但是其制作工艺复杂、成本较高,并且机械灵活性差。以石墨烯、二硫化钼为代表的二维材料具有独特的层状结构以及良好的光学、电学、热学和机械特性,是制备光电探测器的理想材料。尤其是部分二维材料所拥有的超高载流子迁移率特性,十分适用于研制快速响应光电探测器。近年来,一系列基于二维材料的金属-半导体-金属结构光电探测器(Metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors,MSM-PDs)被陆续报道,很多具有1 μs以下的快速响应特性。本文以基于二维材料的快速响应MSM-PDs为主题进行综述。首先介绍了MSM-PDs中的基本结构及工作原理,深入剖析了决定其响应速度的主要因素。随后介绍了石墨烯、过渡金属硫化物、黑磷、二维钙钛矿、三元硒氧铋等二维材料的分子结构、光学、电学等特性,并对各类二维材料在MSM-PDs的应用进行对比。然后分类介绍了响应速度在1 μs以下的欧姆接触型、肖特基接触型以及基于表面等离激元效应二维材料MSM-PDs的研究进展。最后总结全文,并对二维材料在快速响应光电探测器中的应用前景及发展趋势进行了展望。
Fast response photodetectors are widely used in optical communication
high-speed photography
biomedical imaging and other fields. Most of the fast response photodetectors used in the market are based on traditional inorganic semiconductor materials such as silicon and gallium arsenide
but their fabrication process is complex
the cost is high
and the mechanical flexibility is poor. Two-dimensional materials
such as graphene and molybdenum disulfide
due to their unique layered structure and good optical
thermal and mechanical properties
are ideal materials for fabricating photodetectors. In particular
two-dimensional materials with ultra-high carrier mobilities are very suitable for developing fast response photodetectors. In recent years
a series of metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors(MSM-PDs) based on two-dimensional materials have been reported
and their response time is often less than 1 μs. In this paper
rapid response two-dimensional materials based MSM-PDs are reviewed. Firstly
the basic structure and working principle of MSM-PDs are introduced
and the main factors that determine the response speed of MSM-PD are given. Then
the molecular structure
optical and electrical properties of graphene
transition metal sulfide
black phosphorus
two-dimensional perovskite and other two-dimensional materials are introduced. After that
research progress of Ohmic-contact type
Schottky-contact type and surface plasmon polarization enhanced MSM-PDs with the response time less than 1 μs is given. Finally
we summarize the full text
and prospect the application and development trend of two-dimensional materials in rapid response photodetectors.
photodetectorsfast responsetwo-dimensional materialsgraphenetransition metal sulfideblack phosphorustwo-dimensional perovskitesmetal-semiconductor-metal
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