1.云南师范大学 可再生能源材料先进技术与制备教育部重点实验室,云南 昆明 650500
2.云南师范大学 化学化工学院,云南 昆明 650500
3.云南民族大学 化学与环境学院,云南 昆明 650500
[ "王琴(1985-),女,重庆人,硕士,高级实验师,2011年于中山大学获得硕士学位,主要从事低维材料、光电材料的开发与应用的研究。E-mail: wqin@foxmail.com" ]
[ "杨培志(1966-),男,云南大理人,博士,研究员,博士研究生导师,1999年于中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所获得博士学位,主要从事光电材料与器件、低维材料及新型太阳电池的研究。E-mail: pzhyang@hotmail.com" ]
王琴, 杨雯, 庄镜儒, 等. 生物基碳点制备及其在LED器件上的应用[J]. 发光学报, 2021,42(8):1314-1322.
Qin WANG, Wen YANG, Jing-ru ZHUANG, et al. Preparation and Application of Bio-based Carbon Dots for LED Chips[J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2021, 42(8): 1314-1322.
王琴, 杨雯, 庄镜儒, 等. 生物基碳点制备及其在LED器件上的应用[J]. 发光学报, 2021,42(8):1314-1322. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20210159.
Qin WANG, Wen YANG, Jing-ru ZHUANG, et al. Preparation and Application of Bio-based Carbon Dots for LED Chips[J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2021, 42(8): 1314-1322. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20210159.
Carbon dots(CDs) were successfully prepared by the one-pot pyrolysis method using the barley seedling as carbon source. The boron
nitrogen and mixed doping system of CDs were studied. The solution of CDs exhibits broad absorption in the UV region. Two emission bands can be observed in the near UV and blue regions. It is worth to note that CDs powder doped with B and co-doped with B and N can be effectively excited by the blue light and emit bright green light. The LED devices were fabricated by combining such two kinds of CDs powder
which exhibit excellent luminescent properties. Using commercial K
as red components
white LEDs with high luminous efficiency and color rendering index can be obtained.
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