1. 中国科学院, 研究生院 北京,100049
2. 中国科学院, 长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,吉林 长春,130033
3. 吉林大学, 集成光电子学国家重点实验室,吉林 长春,130012
4. 吉林大学, 电子科学与工程学院,吉林 长春,130023
郝亚茹, 陈宇, 汪洋, 丁铁夫, 杜国同, 王瑞光. 外部光反射参数对LED显示屏全视角对比度的影响[J]. 发光学报, 2008,29(2): 398-404
HAO Ya-ru, CHEN Yu, WANG Yang, DING Tie-fu, DU Guo-tong, WANG Rui-guang. The Influence of the Reflection Parameters of the External Light on Contrast Distribution at any Visual Angle in Large-area LED Display Panel[J]. Chinese Journal of Luminescence, 2008,29(2): 398-404
郝亚茹, 陈宇, 汪洋, 丁铁夫, 杜国同, 王瑞光. 外部光反射参数对LED显示屏全视角对比度的影响[J]. 发光学报, 2008,29(2): 398-404 DOI:
HAO Ya-ru, CHEN Yu, WANG Yang, DING Tie-fu, DU Guo-tong, WANG Rui-guang. The Influence of the Reflection Parameters of the External Light on Contrast Distribution at any Visual Angle in Large-area LED Display Panel[J]. Chinese Journal of Luminescence, 2008,29(2): 398-404 DOI:
The limitation of the original definition of the contrast brings about the misconstruing of computing method of panel contrast in some cases where the display effect of LED panel to be appraised. Because of the existing of the misconstruing in some cases
two problems have to be solved primarily in this paper.Generally
the display effect of the LED panel is influenced by many factors (indexes)
such an stability
visual angle
etc. But the main indexes inducing the misconstruing mentioned above are contrast and visual angle. So
first of all
the relationship between the contrast calculated by the test method of the LED panel and the visual angle need to be analysed
and a new index
so-called the contrast distributed at any visual angle
must be established to present the relation of the both indexes. As the same act of other indexes
the new index will be used to evaluate the display effect of the LED panel. So at first
the maximal panel brightness and the minimal panel brightness at any visual angle can be measured by BM-7 under a certain illumination intensity
and the contrast at any visual angle will be calculated. On the other hand
the contrast can be calculated by the expression of the test method of LED panel. By comparison
the difference between the results calculated by the both methods mentioned above exists
and the difference is very obvious. The experimental results indicate that the values of the contrast at any visual angle between that computed by LED panel measurement method and that calculated by the real panel brightness are also diffe-rent
and it was also proved that the results from LED panel measurement method are out of accord with the real display effect of LED panel.Secondly
the reason why the computing method is out of accord with the real display effect is due to the complex factors in the real surroundings. So the model of the main external factors which effect the values of the contrast in the real conditions must be analysed in detail
such as the measurement angle and the reflection parameters of extraneous light. Using the module of the reflection parameters
the minimal brightness curve of the extraneous light can be obtained.And comparing with the values measured by BM-7
it is concluded that the main characteristic consistence of two kinds of the curves obtained by different methods exists. Based on the conclusion
using the mo-del of the external factors
a new expression of the contrast can be established to evaluate the display effect of LED panel. And by using this new function relation
the curved surface of the contrast at any visual angle can be simulated. In comparing with the curve of contrast computed by the test method of IED panel
it was proved that the computing method of contrast in the test method of LED panel
as without thinking of the influence of specular reflection of extraneous light
is so idealization
sometimes its result could be not agree with the real display effect of LED panel. Thus
the misconstruing problem can be explained and resolved.
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