Guo Changxin, Zhang Xuebing, li Bilin. XPS INVESTIGATION OF BLUE AND RED EMITTING POROUS SILICON[J]. Chinese Journal of Luminescence, 1997,18(2): 127-132
Guo Changxin, Zhang Xuebing, li Bilin. XPS INVESTIGATION OF BLUE AND RED EMITTING POROUS SILICON[J]. Chinese Journal of Luminescence, 1997,18(2): 127-132DOI:
Red and blue emitting porous silicon(PS)are obtained respectively through two kinds of air oxidization on the green luminescent PS. XPS investigation shows that the composition of red emitting PS are sillicon
=1~2)and some little fluoride and the blue emitting PS is mainly containing SiO
and a little fluoride. IR transmition spectra show that the blue emitting PS almost only exists Si-O-Si peaks
but the red emitting PS not only mainly has Si-O-Si peaks and also has several obvious peaks of SiH
. It is suggested that the blue emission of PS comes from some defect centers in SiO