A set of self-similar mode-locked ultrashort pulse fiber lasers and erbium-doped fiber amplifiers were designed and constructed. In the seed source part, the self-made carbon nanotube saturable absorber combined with dispersion management was used to control the net dispersion in the cavity to produce a self-similar parabolic pulse for micro-positive dispersion, which was used as the seed source for subsequent power amplification and spectral broadening. The amplification stage adopts a bidirectional pumping method, and the signal light is fully gained through the high-gain and low-dispersion Er-doped fiber. The output power is 39.51 mW, the spectral width is 38.11 nm, and the amplification gain is 20.65 dB laser output. Finally, the amplified self-similar mode-locked pulse is compressed by ordinary single-mode fiber, and the ultrashort pulse laser output with a compressed pulse width of 283 fs is obtained.
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