1.中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 强场激光物理国家重点实验室, 上海 201800
2.国科大杭州高等研究院 物理与光电工程学院, 浙江 杭州 310024
3.中国科学院大学 材料与光电研究中心, 北京 100049
4.华中科技大学 光学与电子信息学院, 湖北 武汉 430074
Received:16 December 2022,
Revised:04 January 2023,
Published:05 April 2023
DU Zixiao,DU Hainan,HU Zhiping,et al.Temperature-dependent Luminescence Spectra of Ruddlesden-Popper Quasi-2D Perovskites[J].Chinese Journal of Luminescence,2023,44(04):569-578.
杜子孝,杜海南,胡智萍等.Ruddlesden⁃Popper型准二维钙钛矿温度依赖发光光谱研究[J].发光学报,2023,44(04):569-578. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20220418.
DU Zixiao,DU Hainan,HU Zhiping,et al.Temperature-dependent Luminescence Spectra of Ruddlesden-Popper Quasi-2D Perovskites[J].Chinese Journal of Luminescence,2023,44(04):569-578. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20220418.
薄膜,其增益系数高达~1 090.62 cm
,获得了低阈值(~12.48 μJ/cm
)的放大自发辐射。基于此,我们通过变温荧光光谱(77~300 K)和瞬态吸收光谱技术研究了(PEA)
薄膜随温度变化的发光特性,以阐述其内部的激子⁃声子相互作用对其发光性能的影响。发现在低温域内(77~120 K),由激子⁃声子相互作用引起的带隙变化相对较弱,晶格热膨胀占主导地位;随着温度升高,激子⁃声子相互作用对带隙变化产生较大影响。另一方面,激子⁃声子相互作用会促使发光光谱线宽加宽,但我们在77~120 K的温度范围内观察到了反常线宽变窄现象,这归因于由局域化效应引起的多量子阱中的能量转移机制;直到120 K之后,激子⁃声子相互作用引起的谱线加宽才足以逆转这一趋势。本文对准二维钙钛矿的激子⁃声子相互作用的研究对于提高准二维钙钛矿光学性能及其发光应用具有指导价值。
The quasi-2D Ruddlesden-Popper(R-P) halide perovskite has been widely used in solar cells, light-emitting diodes, lasers and other optoelectronic devices due to its excellent photoelectric properties. However, the exciton-phonon interaction, which seriously affects the relaxation and transport characteristics of carriers, has not been fully revealed. Compared with the widely studied 3D perovskite structure, quasi 2D perovskite has a naturally formed quantum well structure with greater exciton binding energy and more obvious exciton effect. However, the exciton-phonon interaction of quasi 2D perovskite is still less studied. Therefore, a quasi-2D R-P perovskite film (PEA)
has been prepared by solution method with a gain coefficient of ~1 090.62 cm
and an amplified spontaneous emission of low threshold (~12.48 μJ/cm
). Based on this, we studied the luminescence properties of (PEA)
film with temperature variation by using variable temperature fluorescence spectroscopy(77-300 K) and transient absorption spectroscopy, in order to elaborate the influence of exciton-phonon interaction on its luminescence properties. It was found that in the low temperature domain (77-120 K), The bandgap change caused by exciton-phonon interaction is relatively weak, and the lattice thermal expansion is dominant. With the increase of temperature, the exciton-phonon interaction has a great influence on the change of bandgap. On the other hand, the exciton-phonon interaction causes the line width of the luminescence spectrum to widen, but we observed the abnormal line width narrowing in the temperature range of 77-120 K, which is attributed to an energy transfer mechanism in the multi-quantum well caused by the localization effect. Until above 120 K, the line widening caused by the exciton-phonon interaction is sufficient to reverse this trend. In this paper, the exciton-phonon interaction of quasi 2D perovskite is of guiding value for improving the optical properties and luminescence applications of quasi 2D perovskite.
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