图1 (a)传统的三能级激光系统产生激光过程示意图[
Received:15 June 2022,
Revised:30 June 2022,
Published:05 December 2022
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Micro-lasers have wide application prospects in optical communication, holographic technology, biomedical imaging and other fields. Surface plasmon polariton(SPP) propagates along the metal surface, which can be used to fabricate low-threshold nanolasers that break the diffraction limit.. They not only have the characteristic of small size, but also can induce the Purcell effect, so that the spontaneous emission efficiency can be significantly enhanced. In recent years, SPP lasers based on metal-insulator-semiconductor(MIS) waveguide structures have attracted much attention because of their ability of extremely large mode constraint. In this paper, SPP lasers based on MIS waveguide structures will be reviewed. Firstly, the basic mechanism of SPP laser is introduced, and the working principles of nanoplatelet type and nanowire type SPP lasers based on MIS waveguides are introduced respectively. Then, according to different gain medium materials, this paper introduces the research progress of SPP MIS waveguide lasers whose gain media are Ⅱ-Ⅵ semiconductor, Ⅲ-Ⅴ semiconductor and perovskite respectively. Finally, the thesis is summarized, and the future development and challenges of SPP MIS waveguide lasers are prospected.
图1 (a)传统的三能级激光系统产生激光过程示意图[
Fig.1 (a)Schematic diagram of laser generation process in a conventional three-level laser system[
图2 MIS波导结构表面等离激元激光器截面图及基本原理示意图
Fig.2 Cross-section view of MIS waveguide based surface plasmon polariton lasers and the schematic diagram of their basic principle
对于纳米片MIS波导结构,可将其等效成一个1D MIS波导结构和一个2D回音壁共振腔结构的组合,如
图3 纳米片MIS波导结构示意图(a)及其两步等效模型((b)~(c))。 (b)第一步等效模型:1D MIS波导;(c)第二步等效模型:2D回音壁共振腔。 (b)图中曲线展示了SPP间隙模的磁场分量(|Hz|2)与电场分量(|Ey|2)的强度分布示意图。
Fig.3 Schematic diagram of the nanoplatelet MIS waveguide(a) and its two-step equivalent models((b)-(c)). (b)The first step equivalent model: 1D MIS waveguide. (c)The second step equivalent model: 2D whispering gallery resonator. The curve in (b) represents the distribution of magnetic field |Hz|2 and electric field |Ey|2 for the SPP gap mode.
1D MIS波导结构是由金属、绝缘间隙层、半导体介质层(仿真时只需考虑折射率的实部,因其虚部可借助增益获得补偿)、空气包覆层构成的一个四层膜系统,如
通过仿真得到1D MIS波导所支撑的杂化SPP间隙模在不同波长下的等效折射率neff之后,可进一步依据纳米片的水平剖面结构对其进行二维建模。常见的纳米片水平剖面呈三角形、四边形、六边形、圆形等形式。水平传播的SPP间隙模可在这些几何结构的内壁发生全内反射,特定的波长下发生相长干涉,使得光场被严格地限制在纳米腔中,获得了稳定模式,这类模式统称为回音壁模式(WGM)[
图4 三角形腔内传播模式原理分解图[
Fig.4 Decomposition diagram of modes propagating in a triangular cavity[
当半导体纳米线的端面是规则的四边形时,对纳米线MIS波导的建模可以使用与上述纳米片MIS结构波导完全相似的方法。首先,求解1D MIS波导所支撑的SPP波导模式在不同波长下的等效折射率,再将其导入到1D F-P共振腔结构中进行本征模式的求解。然而,当纳米线的端面不是四边形时,需对其建模方法做出调整。此时,需要先求出2D MIS波导所支撑的SPP波导模式在不同波长下的等效折射率,再将其导入到1D F-P共振腔结构中进行本征模式的求解。当然,该方法同样也适用于端面为四边形的半导体纳米线构成的MIS波导。
图5 纳米线MIS波导结构示意图(a)及其两步等效模型((b)~(c)),其纳米线端面以圆形为例。 (b)第一步等效模型:2D MIS波导;(c)第二步等效模型:FP共振腔。 (b)图中给了所支撑变形SPP间隙模式的电场强度分布示意图(|Ey|2);(c)图中曲线展示了FP共振腔不同级次驻波的强度分布示意图。
Fig.5 Schematic diagram of the nanowire MIS waveguide(a) and its two-step equivalent models((b)-(c)). (b)The first step equivalent model: 2D MIS waveguide. (c)The second step equivalent model: F-P resonant cavity. The map in (b) represents the distribution of electric field (|Ey|2) for the distorted SPP gap mode. The curve in (c) represents the distribution of different orders of standing waves in the F-P resonator.
数值仿真得到2D MIS波导所支撑的变形SPP间隙模在不同波长下的等效折射率neff之后,可进一步对1D F-P共振腔结构进行建模。
目前,已经报道的SPP MIS波导激光器所使用的增益介质包括Ⅱ-Ⅵ半导体、Ⅲ-Ⅴ半导体以及钙钛矿等。Ⅱ-Ⅵ半导体和Ⅲ-Ⅴ半导体因其宽禁带、波长可调特性成为最早作为SPP MIS波导激光器的增益介质材料[
用于SPP MIS波导激光器的Ⅱ-Ⅵ半导体主要包括CdS、CdSe、ZnO,这些材料具有覆盖可见光波段到紫外光波段的禁带宽度、直接跃迁的能带结构等特点[
首先,介绍最早出现的以CdS为增益介质的MIS结构激光器。2009年,美国加州大学伯克利分校Zhang等报道了一种CdS基纳米线SPP MIS波导激光器[
图6 (a)~(b)基于CdS纳米线/SiO2/Ag SPP激光结构示意图及激光光谱[
Fig.6 (a)-(b)Schematic diagram of SPP laser and laser spectra based on CdS NW- SiO2-Ag[
接下来,介绍以ZnO为增益介质的MIS结构激光器。2014年,英国帝国理工学院Oulton等报道了一种ZnO基纳米线SPP MIS波导激光器[
用于SPP MIS波导激光器的Ⅲ-Ⅴ半导体主要包括GaN、InGaN、AlGaN、GaAs/AlGaAs、InGaAsP,这些材料具有波长可调、禁带宽、热稳定性好等性能[
Ⅲ-Ⅴ半导体材料均以纳米线的形式充当SPP MIS波导激光器的增益介质。2012年,Lu等报道了一种以InGaN为核、GaN为壳(简称为InGaN@GaN)的六边形纳米线SPP MIS波导激光器[
图7 (a)~(b) 基于InxGa1-xN@GaN纳米线/Al2O3/Ag SPP激光结构示意图及激光光谱[
Fig.7 (a)-(b)Schematic of SPP laser and laser spectra based on InxGa1-xN@GaN NW/SiO2/Ag[
首先,介绍以MAPbX3为增益介质的SPP MIS波导激光器。2012年,Yu等报道了一种MAPbI3基纳米线SPP MIS波导激光器[
图8 (a)~(b)基于MAPbI3/SiO2/Au SPP激光结构示意图及激光光谱[
Fig.8 (a)-(b)Schematic of SPP laser and laser spectra based on MAPbI3/SiO2/Au[
现阶段,以CsPbX3(X为I、Br、Cl)为增益介质的SPP MIS波导激光器均是CsPbBr3。2018年,Wu等报道了一种CsPbBr3基纳米线SPP MIS波导激光器[
增益材料 | 绝缘介质/金属 | 波长/nm | 激光器阈值 | 测试温度 | 模式体积/面积/长度 | 参考文献 |
CdS NW | MgF2/Ag | 489 | 50 MW/cm2 | 10 K | (λ2)/400 |
[ |
CdS NP | MgF2/Ag | 495.5 | 3 074 MW/cm2 | R T | λ/20 |
[ |
CdS NW | SiO2/Ag | 400 | 110 μJ/cm2 | 77 K |
[ | |
ZnO NW | LiF/Ag | 355 | 200 μJ/cm2 | RT | — |
[ |
ZnO NW | Al2O3/Al | 355 | 25.5 μW | RT | — |
[ |
ZnO NW | (石墨烯)Al2O3/Ag | 355 | 0.84 μW | RT | — |
[ |
ZnO NW | (石墨烯)Al2O3/Al | 355 | 48 μW | RT | — |
[ |
InGaN@GaN NW | SiO2/Ag | 405 | 2.7 KW/cm2 | 7 K | 0.03(λ3) |
[ |
InxGa1-xN@GaN NW | Al2O3/Ag | 405 | 10 W/cm2 | RT |
[ | |
GaN NW | SiO2/Al | 375 | 3.5 MW/cm2 | RT | (λ2)/68 |
[ |
InGaN NW | SiO2/Ag | 517 | 8 kW/cm2 | RT | — |
[ |
AlGaN NW | SiO2⁃Al | 280 | 13 kW/cm2 | RT | — |
[ |
MAPbI3 NW | MgF2/Ag | 790 | 13.5 μJ/cm2 | RT | — |
[ |
MAPbI3 NP | SiO2/Au | 780 | 59.2 μJ/cm2 | RT | 0.406 μm2 |
[ |
MAPbI3 NW | SiO2/Ag | 779 | 41.53 μJ/cm2 | RT | — |
[ |
MAPbBr3 NW | MgF2/Ag | 540 | 300 μJ/cm2 | RT | — |
[ |
MAPbBr3 NP | Al2O3/TiN | 560 | 10 μJ/cm2 | RT | 0.06(λ3) |
[ |
CsPbBr3 NP | MgF2/Ag | 520 | 26 μJ/cm2 | RT | λ/100 |
[ |
CsPbBr3 NP | SiO2/Ag | 520 | 0.138 μW | RT | — |
[ |
CsPbBr3 NW | SiO2/Ag | 515 | 33 μJ/cm2 | RT | — |
[ |
综上所述,SPP MIS波导激光器绝缘层内的杂化SPP间隙模具有强模式约束能力,有利于实现突破衍射极限,该类激光器具有阈值低、Q值高、Purcell因子高、物理尺寸小等优良性能。而且这些物理量之间存在着一定的内在联系。激光器的阈值越低代表整个系统的损耗越小、越容易实现激射,Purcell因子F可以衡量激光器谐振腔内载流子自发辐射率增加的比例,F值越大,代表着整个激光系统的增益越好,相应的激发阈值也较小。F与品质因子Q和模式体积V满足以下的比例关系:F~Q/V,可以看到Q值较大、V值较小时,F值较大。
尽管SPP MIS波导激光器在突破衍射极限、实现激光器小型化、降低激光器阈值方面取得了显著成果,但是该种激光器在以下几方面也面临着一些新的挑战。 (1)机理:分子中的激子与光子发生强耦合时会形成激子极化激元(Exciton polariton,EP),EP激光的产生不需要粒子数反转,使得其阈值远低于光子模式激光。钙钛矿材料激子束缚能高[
近几年,半导体集成电路发展趋势呈指数型增长,摩尔定律意味着电子器件要朝着微型化的方向发展,SPP MIS波导激光器可突破衍射极限,使得该激光器光源的物理尺寸与电子器件的大小不相上下,因此以纳米激光为光源的芯片光互联技术有助于填补半导体领域的空白。在SPP MIS波导激光器的探索中,更低阈值、更小型化的激光器一直是科学家们不断追求的更高目标。在未来,如何将SPP MIS波导激光器应用在生物传感、信息传输、数据存储等方面,将是科学家们探索的另一个热点和重点。
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