1.东华大学 材料科学与工程学院, 纤维材料改性国家重点实验室, 上海 201620
2.安踏(中国)有限公司, 福建 厦门 361000
3.东华大学 材料科学与工程学院, 先进玻璃制造技术教育部工程研究中心, 上海 201620
Published:05 October 2022,
Received:16 June 2022,
Revised:01 July 2022,
WANG YUE, YANG WEI-FENG, CHEN HAO-TING, et al. High-performance ZnS∶Cu Based Mechanoluminescent Elastomers and Their Applications in Visually Interactive Fabrics. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2022, 43(10): 1609-1619.
WANG YUE, YANG WEI-FENG, CHEN HAO-TING, et al. High-performance ZnS∶Cu Based Mechanoluminescent Elastomers and Their Applications in Visually Interactive Fabrics. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2022, 43(10): 1609-1619. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20220233.
With the rapid development of flexible wearable electronics, the demand for intelligent wearable devices has remarkably increased. Smart luminescent clothing with the ability of visual interaction has attracted wide attention due to its versatile functions. Elastico-mechanoluminescent materials such as ZnS∶Cu mechanoluminescent elastomers have potential applications in smart luminescent cloths/garments because of their repeatable force-to-light visualized sensing capabilities. In this work, we increased the stress transfer sites in ZnS∶Cu mechanoluminescent elastomers through tunning the network structure of the elastic polymer matrix and the doping of Al
nanoparticles, thus improved the luminescence intensity of the mechanoluminescent elastomer. The continuous and patterned preparation of mechanoluminescent textile has also been achieved through extrusion coating, 3D printing, and screen printing mechanoluminescent elastomers on traditional textiles. The sensitivity and wearing comfort of the luminescent woven textiles have therefore been improved, which provides potential value for this mechanoluminescent elastomers in applications including wearable sensing, health monitoring, traffic warning,
mechanoluminescenceelastomersnanoparticlesvisualized mechanical sensingluminescent textiles
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