1.长春电子科技学院 电子工程学院, 吉林 长春 130114
2.吉林大学 电子科学与工程学院, 集成光电子学国家重点联合实验室吉林大学实验区, 吉林 长春 130012
Published:05 August 2022,
Received:08 May 2022,
Revised:24 May 2022,
LIU CHUN-YAN, WANG YUAN, YIN CHENG-YU, et al. Thin-film Encapsulation of Organic Light Emitting Diode by Atomic Layer Deposition. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2022, 43(8): 1281-1299.
LIU CHUN-YAN, WANG YUAN, YIN CHENG-YU, et al. Thin-film Encapsulation of Organic Light Emitting Diode by Atomic Layer Deposition. [J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2022, 43(8): 1281-1299. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20220159.
有机电致发光器件(Organic light emitting diode,OLED)具有轻薄、便于携带、自发光、能耗低、亮度更大、柔性显示等特点,可以增加显示产品的附加值,因此被科学和产业界广泛关注。然而,OLED器件中的有机材料对空气中的水汽和氧气十分敏感,若器件在无封装保护的情况下长期在空气中存放,将会严重影响OLED的工作性能和寿命。除了选择合适的传输层材料、表面层结构和利用界面工程提高材料水氧耐受能力之外,对器件进行可靠的封装是隔绝空气中水汽和氧气侵蚀的一种有效手段。原子层沉积(Atomic layer deposition,ALD)是一种已经在实验室验证的有效薄膜沉积封装技术,由于ALD的自限制反应特性,可以在低温下沉积出厚度精确可控且均匀致密的薄膜,利用ALD沉积的薄膜往往拥有良好的机械柔性、超高的阻隔性能和光学透过率。本文将回顾原子层沉积技术的原理,分析ALD制备薄膜的水汽透过率,比较ALD在单层、有机‐无机叠层薄膜封装制备上的技术优势。
Organic light emitting diode(OLED) has the characteristics of lightness, thinness, portability, self-luminescence, low energy consumption, higher brightness, and flexible display
., which can increase the added value of display products, so it has been widely concerned by scientific and industrial circles. However, the key organic materials in OLED devices are very sensitive to water vapor and oxygen in the air. If the device is exposed to air for a long time without protection, it will seriously affect the long-term performance of the device and shorten the life of the OLED. In addition to selecting appropriate transmission layer material and surface layer structure, and using interface engineering to improve the water and oxygen tolerance of materials, reliable encapsulation of the device is another effective means to isolate water vapor and oxygen corrosion in the air. Atomic layer deposition(ALD) is an effective film deposition and thin film encapsulation technology that has been verified in the laboratory. Due to the self-limiting reaction characteristics of ALD, it can deposit thin films with accurate and controllable thickness, uniform and dense at low temperature. The films deposited by ALD always have good flexibility, ultra-high barrier performance and optical transmittance. In this paper, we will review the principle of atomic layer deposition technology, analyze the water vapor transmission rate, compare the advantages of ALD in single-layer and organic-inorganic laminated film encapsulation.
thin-film encapsulationorganic light emitting diodeatomic layer depositionflexible displaywater vapor transmission rate
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