Temperature Sensing Properties in NaScF4∶Yb3+/Er3+ Nanoparticles
Synthesis and Properties of Materials|更新时间:2022-05-23
Temperature Sensing Properties in NaScF4∶Yb3+/Er3+ Nanoparticles
Chinese Journal of LuminescenceVol. 43, Issue 5, Pages: 684-690(2022)
重庆邮电大学 理学院,重庆 400065
National Natural Science Foundation of China(11704054);Undergraduate Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Plan Program of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(X202110617080)
Guo-tao XIANG, Meng-lin YANG, Zhen LIU, et al. Temperature Sensing Properties in NaScF4∶Yb3+/Er3+ Nanoparticles[J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2022, 43(5): 684-690.
Guo-tao XIANG, Meng-lin YANG, Zhen LIU, et al. Temperature Sensing Properties in NaScF4∶Yb3+/Er3+ Nanoparticles[J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2022, 43(5): 684-690. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20220064.
Temperature Sensing Properties in NaScF4∶Yb3+/Er3+ Nanoparticles增强出版
nanoparticles(NPs) with a size of about 35 nm are prepared by a solvothermal process. Under the excitation of 980 nm wavelength
the NPs exhibit strong red upconversion(UC) emission and weak green UC emission. The corresponding intensity ratio of red emission to green emission is approximately 6. Meanwhile
the green and near-infrared(NIR) emission of the UCNPs own excellent temperature sensing performances within the studied temperature range
which can be used for optical thermometry based on fluorescence intensity ratio(FIR) technology. The maximums of relative sensitivity
for thermally coupled
level and
level of Er
and non-thermally coupled Yb
3+ 2
level and Er
3+ 4
level are 1.17%·K
and 0.73%·K
respectively. The results show that the UCNPs are a kind of high efficient red UC material and show promising temperature sensing performances in visible and NIR region.
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