Zhi-hua LENG, Zhe TAN, Shu-hong LIU. Tunable Photoluminescence Properties and Energy Transfer of Ba3YB9O18:Tb3+, Eu3+ Phosphors[J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2021, 42(1): 83-90.
Zhi-hua LENG, Zhe TAN, Shu-hong LIU. Tunable Photoluminescence Properties and Energy Transfer of Ba3YB9O18:Tb3+, Eu3+ Phosphors[J]. Chinese journal of luminescence, 2021, 42(1): 83-90. DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20200260.
Tunable Photoluminescence Properties and Energy Transfer of Ba3YB9O18:Tb3+, Eu3+ Phosphors
phosphors with tunable photoluminescence were successfully prepared by solid state reaction. X-ray diffraction(XRD) and transmission electron microscopy(TEM) were utilized to investigate the phase purity and crystal structure of the as-obtained phosphors. The XRD refinement results demonstrate that the linear structural evolution of Ba
solid-solutions obeys excellent Vegard's rule when Y
were substituted by Eu
ions. Moreover
the energy transfer process from Tb
to Eu
in Ba
phosphors was verified by emission spectra and decay curves. The energy transfer mechanism from Tb
to Eu
was proved to be the electric dipole-dipole interaction. Due to the energy transfer process from Tb
to Eu
the color tones can be gradually adjusted from green to red with increasing Eu
doping content. These results manifest that the as-synthesized Ba
phosphors may find potential applications for UV excited solid state lighting.
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